Famine Service St. Mary’s Church Thurles Co Tipperary

The fourth Annual Famine Memorial Ecumenical Service takes place in St Mary’s Church, Thurles, Co. Tipperary on Sunday next July 8th at 8.00pm sharp.

Thurles Famine Museum.

Thurles Famine Museum.

St. Mary’s Church houses the Thurles Famine Museum containing one of the largest collections of original famine memorabilia in Ireland.

This years Famine Memorial Service is honoured to welcome the talented “Cullinane Band,” joined by multi-talented musician John O’Brien, who will all provide the music. This year the service will feature Gospel music made famous by such singers as Carrie Underwood, Vince Gill, Stevie Wonder, Michael Card, Allison Krass and Ann Murray. Vocal will be provided by Noreen Cullinane, Shane Willoughby, Ned Cullinane, Rachel Willoughby, & John J Cullinane.

The ceremony, through song and story, will attempt to understand and compare the ‘Great Famine Period,’ with what the Ireland of today is experiencing and hopefully highlight the importance of ‘local community,’ in our daily lives.

Vocal will be provided by Noreen Cullinane, Shane Willoughby, Ned Cullinane, Rachel Willoughby, & John J Cullinane. Historical & poetry readings will be undertaken by Mr Tom Noone,(Community activist & former “Premier Short Story” winner) & Mr Bart Howard (An Garda Síochána (Retired) Holder Garda Merit Award for Community policing & Thurles Credit Union’s Person of the year Award 2011.)

St. Mary’s Church is honoured to be joined this year by Very Rev Fr. Joe Walsh CC (Drombane/ Upperchurch) who will preach the sermon. The ceremony will be conducted by the Rector of St.Mary’s, Very Rev. Peter Massey Cole-Baker.

St.Mary’s Church welcome all who wish to attend this event & the congregation are asked to remain seated during the ceremony, which begins at 8.00pm sharp with doors open at 7.30pm.

Those attending will have an opportunity to visit the Famine Museum and an informed guide will be on hand, after the ceremony, to hopefully answer all /any questions.

Entry to the event is free, however a collection will be taken up during the service in aid of famine relief.

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