Trip to Tipp Weekend of Cycling 2015

Miss Katriona Shanahan (PRO ‘Trip to Tipp Weekend of Cycling’) reports.

Join us here in Tipperary for the 20th Anniversary of the ‘Trip to Tipp Weekend of Cycling’, which will take place on the 15th & 16th August 2015, in aid of NCBI, working for people with sight loss. This year, as part of the celebrations, ‘Trip to Tipp’ have made some changes to the routes and participants and supporters also will be able to purchase a Special Limited Edition ‘Trip to Tipp’ jersey.
Trip to Tipp’ Programme of Events.
Saturday 15th August
12:00 pm. The Three Counties Tour.
Here you can choose from either the 70 KM route or the slightly more challenging 100 KM route!
Both Routes depart from the Sarsfields GAA Centre Thurles at 12:00pm sharp.

Links to both the maps for Saturday’s Challenge
70km Route
100km Route

12:30pm. Family Fun Cycle.
The family fun cycle departs from the Sarsfields GAA Centre Thurles at 12:30pm sharp.
Here participants can register online or on the day – €12.50.

Sunday 16th August
9:45 am: Grand Tipperary Challenge 140 KM.
The Grand Tipperary Tour departs the Thurles Sarsfields GAA Centre at 9:45am. The two notable climbs on the 140km route will be Dolla and the Glen of Aherlow. View Route at

10:15 am: Glen of Aherlow Challenge 100 KM.

The Glen of Aherlow Challenge departs the Thurles Sarsfields GAA Centre at 10:15am. View Route at

10:15 am: Scenic Tour of Tipperary 80 KM.

The Scenic Tour of Tipperary departs the Thurles Sarsfields GAA Centre at 10:15am. View Route at
Once again entries for all cycles can be taken on the day, or you can avail of the online reduced price by registering at:

Note: Online registration closes on Friday 14th August at 6:00pm.
Online Special Offers are as follows:
2 days cycling & Cycling Jersey – €65. 2 days cycling only – €45
1 day cycling & Cycling Jersey – €45. 1 days cycling – €25

Entry on the day for all routes is €30.00 with Family Fun Cycle €12.50(Special offers for Families).
All participants over the weekend will receive a ‘Goodie Bag’ and ‘Certificate of Completion’.

All routes will be marshalled and the roads will also be clearly marked. Each route will have a Water Stop and Food Stop.

Accommodation: For anyone seeking accommodation in Thurles for the weekend 15th & 16th August 2015, please note that special hotel rates have been secured from the following venues:-
Anner Hotel Thurles:- [(0504) 21799] B&B €45 pps. Hayes Hotel Thurles:- [(0504) 22122] B&B €35 pps.
In all bookings please reference ‘Trip to Tipp’ when securing accommodation.

To celebrate this 20th Anniversary Milestone, ‘Trip to Tipp’ are going to have a special night of entertainment, with spot prizes, in Hayes Hotel, Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary on Saturday 15th next.

For further information Email

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