Welcome To Hidden Tipperary

Welcome to HiddenTipperary.com a brand new website set up to reveal some of the many hidden treasures that can be found in this great and historic county of Tipperary. [Map Ref.]

On this website we hope to include as many of these great locations as we can. Some of these locations may be well known to many people such as the historic Holycross Abbey, the famous Rock of Cashel [Map Ref.] and others. However, there are just as many undiscovered locations that may be little known to our many visitors to the county, and sometimes even to the people living in Tipperary itself!

There are so many great historic myths and legends to share, historic places to visit and fantastic scenic views in Tipperary. In fact, there are so many undiscovered and beautiful locations that we had to set up this website to share with rest of the world.

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4 Responses to Welcome To Hidden Tipperary

  1. Katie O'Connell Nott says:

    It is an absolute disgrace that the Irish Government is sending huge amounts of the Irish Tax payers money from 80,000 euro plus every year to every state in Australia to ‘Irish Associations.’ These large amounts of Irish Tax Payers money are supposed to help Irish expats who may need help. Well here is a good example of the expats who needed that help. I was approached by an elderly Irish expat women asking me for help with the costs of her brother’s funeral and when I approached the’ Irish Support Association’in Brisbane’ to see if they could help this women I finally received this answer from there President.’The money they get from the Irish Government (Irish Tax Payers Money) is for administration costs only whatever that is supposed to mean? We ended up making a loan to her ourself’s so that she could bury her brother with dignity and the Holy Cross Church donated the coffin free. Does the Australian Government send these large amount of Dollars to Ireland, I bet not?
    We have excellent charity organizations in every state here in Australia who are prepared to help people who may need help regardless what nationality or reglion. We have been in Australia for several years and long before the Irish Tax Payers money was send to these so-called-associations Irish people always helped Irish people if it was necessary, without Irish Tax Payers help. The Irish Government has to stop this waste of Irish Tax payers money and put this money into Tourism for Ireland especially towns like Thurles. Most of the travel agents here I approached, had never heard of Thurles, they all had heard of Dublin and Galway. Can someone please give me a good reason why ‘The Thurles Marketing Group’ were not doing their job in promoting Thurles as a great tourist attraction for visitors especially the over 50s these are the group with the money to spend and Thurles has so much to offer. If the’Thurles Marketing Group’had done there job properly the people here, I spoke to last week, would certainly have had the insight as to where Thurlas was and what Thurles had to offer.
    I spoke to a number of people in this age group about travel to the south of Ireland, especially Thurles, the only ones who had heard of Thurles were those who had either relations there or there grandmothers came from the south of Ireland. Thurles desperately need funds to promote their town as a Tourism attraction there is plenty of wonderful sights and accomodation in Thurles with first class service. Can someone give me a good reason why’Thurles Marketing Group’ had to disband. Why did that organisation and its members not stand up and be counted and fight for tourism to Thurles. Why have a Thurlas Town council, if they do not even fight for there own Town? This organization has wasted Thurles Tax Payers money on ‘WHAT’ you owe the Thurles people an explanation? Goodness knows you were payed large salaries and I have no doubt generous expenses for letting the Thurlas people down. Thurles people and businesses must approach the Irish Government for this money they are sending to Australia. Goodness knows the Irish people need help and need their own hard earned money now, especially in promoting Tourism to Ireland and especially in the areas of Thurles.
    We are only too happy to help on this side of the world whatever way we can, to promote Thurles and tourism in the south of Ireland. Shannon Development and there cronies are a complete waste of space and do not have the whole county of Tipperary in there interests. We all must now both at home in Thurles, and here in Australia and other country’s give as much support as possible to ‘HIDDEN TIPPERARY ‘and what a great name for promoting tourism in the south of Ireland. They must be given all the support they will need and we are sure they will do a far better job than the’ Thurlas Marketing Group’ ever did? I have now contacted all Thurles people in most country’s especially America and Australia to show their support for ‘HIDDEN TIPPERARY.’ Dublin may have the most pub’s but Thurles and Templemore have much more to offer the Tourist, I should know I talk to Tourist all the time and not all of them want to see Pub’s, which is a real shame that all Irish get labled with this stigma! Just look at what the Aussie channel 9 thought would go down with tourists somewhere? McCarthys pub in Fethard and where dead horses were buried at Coolmore stud.What a shabby way to promote a wonderful little town like Fethard. My Motto is “Lets get Thurles moving.”

    Katie. (A very proud Thurles expat)

    • admin says:

      Hi Katie,
      Thank you for your very interesting comment. I will be talking to you soon about a very special event and holiday deal taking place in August / September next, here in Co. Tipperary. We are just putting the final details together.
      Regards George.

    • Catherine Fogarty says:

      Hi Katie, I don’t know the history of the Thurles Marketing Group, but the town badly needs to produce a Leaflet/booklet/poster/map/guide to promote the sites and history on our doorstep. And everyone in the town ought to work together to bring visitors and euros to Thurles – we need both!

  2. Katie O'Connell Nott says:

    Hi, Catherine.
    You are quite right Thurles needs to promote the wonderful sites and the great history it has. Thurles really needs to work together to promote what is on offer for the Tourists. I am been swamped with Phones calls and emails asking where is Thurles in Ireland so I hope Catherine my information is getting through at this side of the world. George is doing a great job promoting Thurles but as you know Catherine George needs all the help he can get to do the Job. My family all came from Noard and Two mile Borris a great dedicated and proud Irish Family. The Leen family had the barber shop in the Town of Thurles for a very long time I am still in touch with Eileen she is a very proud Irish expat. It would be great if Thurles had a Newsletter in the form of a small book for expats like Joe Kenny from Fethard does it contains past and present information and a great form of information for the expats and it only costs 12 Euro a nice little wager for Fethard. I use them quite a bit when I am talking about Ireland. Thank you once again Catherine keep in touch.

    Katie (Australia)

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