Restoration Of Nenagh Castle’s Keep Complete By June

Nenagh Castle 2011

Restoration of Nenagh Castle’s ‘Keep,’ will be completed by June in time for President Michael D. Higgins’s visit to the site. The Director of Services Marcus O’Connor and Nenagh Town Clerk Donal Purcell will finalise external works around the historic building by June 2012.
(Click on image for larger resolution.)

The visit to Nenagh by President Michael D. Higginsis is planned for June 6th next and when the ‘Keep,’ is opened to the public, it will be an added attraction to visitors, when taken in conjunction with the Nenagh Arts Centre, Nenagh Courthouse, Nenagh Jail and nearby churches in the area.

It was here, in 1336, that a peace treaty was signed between James Butler, 1st Earl of Ormond, and a representative of the Irish O’Kennedy clan. This treaty was presented as a gift to US President John F. Kennedy during his state visit to Ireland in 1963, and it is now housed in the J.F.K Library in Massachusetts.

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