Grave Inscriptions In St.Mary’s Churchyard

St. Mary’s Churchyard & James Ryan.

The following collection of gravestone inscriptions are to be found in the cemetery which surrounds St Mary’s (Church of Ireland) Church in Thurles, County Tipperary. Where posible, these inscriptions have been checked against ‘The Journal for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead,’ which are to be found in the Local Studies Dept. of Thurles Library. All the inscriptions below are incised.

The Church building itself is a comparatively modern building, early 1800, but evidently stands on the site of a much older one. This parish was impropriate in the Abbey of Owney, County of Limerick, and in 1202 Abbot Hugh mortgaged this church to Italian merchants. After the dissolution of the monasteries it was handed over to Walter Ap Howell, and after him to Pierce Walsh and his descendants.

The work of compiling these headstone inscriptions was painstakingly undertaken by Mr James Ryan, Dublin Road, Thurles, and it is the hope of ‘Hidden Tipperary’ that this information will be of some assistance to persons involved in tracing their family roots, here in Thurles, Co.Tipperary.

The numbers shown in brackets after each inscription refer to the position of that grave stone in the graveyard. Spellings have not been changed to the modern accepted spelling of names and any person consulting this record is advised to look for a name under every possible spelling.

Here lies the body of John Anderson who died May the 15 1791 aged 78 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [252]

Pray for the soul of William Archdakon who dyed the 8th of April 1778 aged 40 years. [169]

Archer Tomb

Here [lies] Edmund [Archer] burgess of Thurles and Lord of Rathfernegh, Galboly, Corbale [and] Killienane who died on the 18th of the month of September in the year 1520. Counuchan caused me to be made. [443]

Here lieth the body of Mrs Rebecca Ardagh wife of Mr Arthur Ardagh of Thurles who departed this life March the 1 1774 aged   …. 39? [or 59]. Also the body of Arthur Ardagh who departed this life the 18th Feb 17-5 in the 76th year of his age. Also the body of Arthure Ardagh son of Edward Ardagh who died May the 22nd 1834[?] aged -3 yrs. (Appears to be 33 or possibly 53.)

Hic jacet Marie uxor Jacobi Aylward quae obit 22 Juni 1747. [346]  [Over Marie
occurs in small letters the name Dalton.]

Turtulla Lodge

In memory of Thomas Benion Bagnall of Turtulla Lodge, [Map Ref ] Thurles who died 15th December 1885 aged 73 years. His wife Marian Amelia Bagnall who died 8th February 1896 aged 68.
And they shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts in that day when I make you my jewels. (Mal 3. 17.  McGuire  Thurles).

Erected by Michael Banan of Garrenrow in memory of his father James Banan who depd July 3 1802 aged 96 ys also his wife Judeth Banan als Sheehan dep Sept 1819 aged 76 and their son Thos Banan dep Aug 1801 agd 24. May they rest in peace. Amen.  [142]

Erected by Mary Bannon Brittas in memory of her husband Thomas Bannon died 5th Jan 1855 aged 82 yrs also her daughters Kate who died 14th Oct 1877 aged 19 years and Johanna died 2nd Feb 1889 aged 22 years.  [143]

Erecd by Wm Bannon of the Furze in memory of his father John Bannon died March 24th 1899 aged 82 years. R.I.P. [234]

Here lieth ye body of Edwd Barrington who dyed 86r ye 3 1726 also ye body  of ——–Pa Sarsfield Barton. [356]

Erected by Robert Barry of Thurles in memory of his father James Barry who departed this life July 4th 1849 aged 60 years. [489]

Benion Bagnall.
See Bagnal, Thomas Benion.

See HALL, Ruth ref: [460]

This monument erected by Mary Bird alias Smyth in memory of her husband Thomas Bird of Thurles who depd this life the 26th April 1827 aged 33 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [275]

Here lies the body of John Blackwil died 18th May 1795 aged 39 years. [149]

Erected by Mrs Johanna Blake Thurles in memory of her beloved husband John Blake who died 10th May 1882 aged 50 years, also her daughter Maryanne Blake who died 25th September 1885 aged 16 years, also the above Mrs Johanna Blake who died the 20th August 1926 aged 79 years. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for them. May they rest in peace.  Amen. [96]

Sacred  heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of John Blake Thurles who died the 19th Jany 1926 aged 45 years. Jesus Mary and Joseph. Erected by his loving wife and children. [95]

Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of Maurice Blake Thurles who died 5th Dec 1909 aged 36 years. Joe Blake died 23rd Oct 1929 aged 52 years. Nora Lawton died 1st February 1944 aged 75 years.   R.I.P. My Lord and My God. [97]

Catherine. See MAHER Catherine ref: [376]

In loving memory of Lucy Boles beloved wife of James Boles Thurles died 24th Aug 1902.   James husband of the above died 21st Oct 1930 aged 70 years. Benjamin son of the above died 2nd April 1931 aged 28 years. [490]

Erected by Margaret Bonynge Thurles in loving memory of her husband James Bonynge died Nov 9th 1901 aged 72 years, also their son Edward Francis died June 15th 1895 aged 24 years. [63]

John Boulger died December 21 1856 aged 40 years. Erected to his memory by his daughter Margaret Dunn. Johanna Finn wife of John Boulger died 1880 aged 91 years.   [190]

Catherine. See Boyton Ref: [191]

Hic jacet Ellena uxor Jacobi Bovrke qu obyt 21 die Mai 1722 fil Michael 3vs Filius eorm. [362]

Johanna. See Borroughs. Ref: [217]

Here lies the body of John Bourke who died Feb the 2nd 1769  aged 70. Anstis Walsh (als Bourke) who died Feb the 9th 1788 aged 30. May they rest in peace. Amen. [244]

Erected by John and Walter Bourke of Graigue in memory of their father and mother also their uncles Michael, John and James and their grandmother Nora Hayes. [91]

In loving memory of our father John Bourke formally of Mitchel St Thurles died Dec 7th 1944 aged 89 years, also his father and mother John and Margaret Bourke his brother William and sisters Anne and Mary. Winifred Bourke beloved wife of the above John who died Dec 21st 1952 aged 86 years.   Requiescant in Pace. [273]

Here lies the body of Mary Bourke als Dealy who departed November the 31st 1811 aged 56 years. May she rest in peace. Amen. Also her husband Watt Bourke depd Dec 27th 1838 aged 72 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [247]

Mary. See HUNT Mary Ref: [335]

Nano. See MAHER Ref: [239]

Erected by Patk Bourke in memory of his 3 children, Tim, Thos and Judith Bourke, also his grandchild Jas. May they rest in peace. Amen.  [128]

Erected by Patrick Bourke of Thurles in memory of his son Patrick Bourke who departed this life June 5th 1829 aged 28 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Also in memory of his wife Anne Bourke who depd Sept 9th 1837 aged 68 years. Also his grandson Patk Bk aged 11 yrs and his son James Bourke died April 21 1849 aged 48 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. Also the above Patk Bourke died Sept 4th 1849 aged 85 years. May he rest in peace. [127]

Here lies the body of Thomas Bourke dep Dec 15 1793 aged 65 also Jer Drynan dep May 10 1808 aged 56 yrs. [248]

Erected by William and James Bourke to the memory of their father Frederick Bourke late of Thurles who depd this life Nov 23rd 1819 aged 54 years. [219]

Here lieth the body of Thomas Bow who died ye yr 1736 aged 8 yr. [222]

Margt. See LINDSAY Ref: [135]

Cornelius Patrick and Johanna. See LEAHY Ref: [40]

Erected by Ellen Boyle Cassestown in memory of her husband Michael who died Jan 7th 1919 aged 74 years and her daughter Mary Carew died Nov 16th 1915 aged 25 years, also James Boyle died Jan 14th 1896 aged 51 years. The above Ellen Boyle died 12th Jan 1932 aged 76 years. [41]

Here lie the remains of Stephen Boyton of Thurles who died universally regretted on the 12th Sept 1824 in the 45th year of his age. Remains of his wife Catherine Boyton alias Bourke who died on the 7th November 1805 in the 25th year of her age. Stephen W.Boyton died April 2nd 1903 aged 56 years. This tomb has been erected by Ellen Boyton alias Mackey second wife of S Boyton as a memorial of the tender affection and regard she entertained for him also the remains of the said Ellen Boyton alias Mackey who depd this life on the 12th Dec 1841 in the _7th year of her age.   And Stephen Boyton M D  died 1846. William Boyton, J P 1870.   And his children Alicia 1869 William 1874 Henrietta 1877. Ellen 1877 and his wife Mary 1886? (or 1888). [191]

Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Dorcas Bradshaw relict of the late George Bradshaw Esq of Corbally who departed this life at Thurles  on the 11th Oct 1832 in the 77th year of her age. Also the remains of Alicia Bradshaw widow of Dr. Bradshaw who died at Thurles on the 30th of October 1852 aged 52 and of Willian Bradshaw V.C. late assistant surgeon 32nd light infantry who died 9th March 1861. Ellen Bradshaw who died 18th October 1856. George Bradshaw Esq M.D. who died the 14th Aug 1867 aged 68 years. [498]

Bray O’Brien
See O’BRIEN, Denis. Ref: [309] and O’BRIEN, Ann. ref:[310]

Erected by James Breen Knockorea in memory of his wife Catherine alias Ryan who departed this life June 28th 1833 aged 29 years, and his two children. May they rest in peace. Amen. [205]

Johanna. See KETT. Ref: [241]

Here lyeth ye body of Thomas Bric who dyed May ye 21st 1747 aged 19 years. [30]

Here lies the body of Mary Brien als Murphy who depd Oct 10th 1822 ag 73 yr. May she rest in peace. Amen. [104]

Bridget. See KIRWAN, Mary. Ref: [509]

Here lies the body of Edmd Britton of Rossestown who died Sept 17 1818 aged 15 years also his father Patk Britn dep Nov 9 1823 aged 50 yrs. May they rest in peace. Amen. Also his brother ___  Britton died Nov 1 1841 aged 22 years. And Mrs Laurence Burke nee Dalton also John Burke Leigh died 24th May 1935 aged 68 years. Erected by his wife Cath Dalton. [415]

Erected by Hanora Brown in memory of her Mother Mary Brown wife to David Brown
leat od (Late of ) Knockanes who depd this life April 7th 1821 aged 70 years. May the Lord have mercy on her soul.

Mr Ignatius Browne died 28th Jan 1783 aged 74 years. R.I.P..

Here lies ye body of Maurice Brown who died ye Sber ye 7th 1755 aged 40 years.

Erected by Patrick Bryan in memory of his father Michael Bryan of Thurles who depd March the 3rd 1828 aged 55 years also his wife Honora Bryan (alias Moloughney) dep Nov 26 1829 aged 58 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [304]

Mary. See Dwyer. [168]

Erected by Jos Bud in memory of his daughter Margt Bud depd  April 25th 1808 aged 19 years also her mother depd the 23rd of Jan 1810 aged 44 years May ____ [394]

Here lies the body of William Bulger who died July 7th 1742 aged 5 years. [199]

Here lies the body of Richard Burk who depd this life May 1777 aged 48 years also his wife Mary Burk alias Flood who depd this life Janry 2nd 1777 aged 40 yr also Richd Crews two children Mary and John. [401]

Hic jacet Ellena uxor Jacobi Bourk que obit 21 die maii 1722. [Rest of inscription buried].

Here lies the body of Bridget Burke who died June the 20th 1740 aged 17 years. [188]

Johanna and Edward: See DAULTON, John. Ref: [432]

In memory of John Burke of Graigue died 6th Jan 1937 aged 69 years. Walter Burke died 23rd Dec 1931 aged 58 years. Lizzie Burke died 16th April 1932 aged 54 years. [92]

In loving memory of Laurence Burke of Rossestown. Interred at Ballycahill died 2nd March 1904 aged 80 years. His wife Mary Dalton Burke died 15th May 1909 aged 70, also Martin Burke died Oct 1902 aged 30 years. Ellen McDonald nee Burke died 14th Feb 1931 aged 55 years. [414]

Margaret and James. See Maher. Ref: [348]

In loving memory of Mrs Margaret Burke, 2 Lisheen Terrace, died 11th Aug 1951 aged 69 years.  R.I.P..  Erected by her family. [183]

Erected by Patrick Burke Thurles in memory of his son William who departed this life the 21 of October 1841 aged 46 years. [129]

Erected by Patrick Burke in memory of his beloved father Thomas Burke of Ballycurrane who departed this life 5th Sept 1896 aged 87 years also his beloved mother Margaret Burke who died 16th Nov 1902 aged 82 years also his sister Mrs Alice Ryan died 3rd Nov 1911 aged 53 years also the above Patrick Burke died 19th Nov 1911 aged  60 years ans his brother Thomas Burke died 16th April 1940 aged 80 years. [33]

Richard Burke died  April 6th 1872 aged 73 years. Ellen Mullan died January 3rd 1870 aged 95 years. [218]

Here lieth the body of Joan Burn. Pray for her. 1762. [313]

Erected by Ellen Burroughs in memory of her father Thomas Maher, Racecourse died April 12th 1895 aged 75, also her mother Ellen Maher died 15th March 1900 aged 76 and her sisters Johanna Bourke died April 1884 aged 30. Catherine Delahunty died Oct 1899 aged 40. R.I.P.. [217]

Anastasia. See SUPPLE. Ref: [450]

Erected by Mrs Margaret Butler  Westgate in memory of her beloved husband Martin Butler who died 17th April 1878, also his father James  Butler of Clongour who died in 1838 and his mother Mary Butler alias Mara who died in August 1840, also his sister Anne Butler who died 8th dec 1866. The above Bridget Butler died Nov 18th 1919. Her daughter Bridget died Dec 2nd 1926 also her son David died June 6th 1921. Patrick died Jan 14 1935. [323]

Here lieth the body of Bridget Butler alias Feehan died Sept 13 1810 aged 60 years. May she rest in peace. [325]

Catherine. See RYAN. ref: [66]

Judith. See RYAN.

See McCormick, Mary.

Mary. See WRIGHT. Ref: [240]

Erected by Mary Butler Friar St in memory of her husband James Butler died Sept 28th 1887 aged 70, also her sons John and Patrick died respectivly July 26 1897 and Dec 30 1899, also her sons Joseph P.Butler died 20th June 1909 aged 33 and James Butler died July 1911. The above Mary Butler (nee Shea) died in Jan 1917 aged 96. [324]

Erected by Michael Butler of Carneys Lane Thurles in memory of his son Matthias Butler who died August 8th 1837 aged 18 yrs. May he rest in peace. Amen. [176]

In loving memory of Patrick Byrne died Sept 24th 1892 aged 75 years. Bridget Toomey died June the 17th 1905 aged 77 years. Mary Anne Byrne died Feb 5th 1913 aged 89 yrs   Edward Ignatius Byrne died Dec 3rd 1924 aged 8 years. Catherine Fitzpatrick died Oct 12th 1926 aged 90 years. Edward Byrne died 19th Dec 1935. (North Panel) Also Mary Ellen Byrne died 23rd may 1938 and William Byrne died 4th Feb 1941 also John J Byrne died 16th Non 1948. Ellen Byrne died 2nd Feb 1959. [361]

Catherine. See WALL, Peter.Ref: [258]

May the lord have mercy on the soul of Mary Cahil als Gibbons dep Oct 29 1806 aged 36 years. [90]

Erected by Mary Cahil of Thurles in memory of her husband James Cahil who died Feb 24th 1869 aged 48 years, also his brother William Cahil who died 6th _ 1857 aged 46 years. [261]

Here lies the body of Mary Cahil als Ryan who died November the 16th 1799 aged 60 yrs.   May she rest in peace. Amen. [364]

Anastasia. See EGAN. Ref: [177]

This tomb was erected by Bridget Cahill to the memory of her beloved sister _ Dolan who departed this life the _ May 1815  and__ .  [314]

Erected by Catherine Cahill in memory of her mother Margaret Healy who depd Mar 25th 1818 aged 70 yrs. Also her son John Cahill who died Dec 10 1826 aged 40 years. [78]

Sacred to the memory of Elenor Cahill who dep this life Jan aged 49 years 184_ . Erected by her son-in-law Patrick Cormack.

Erected by Eliza Cahill in memory of her beloved husband Andrew Cahill of Thurles died 5th Sept 1855 aged 52 years   John Cahill died 16th October 1849 ahed 17 years. Also her second son Michael Cahill who died 27th April 1867 aged 24 years and her son Andrew Cahill late Clerk of the Cathedral died 29th April 1915. May their souls rest in peace. Amen. [88]

Sacred to the memory of Elenor Cahill who depd this life Jan 31st 1844 aged 16 years.

Here lies the body of James Cahill who died March 17 1790 aged 39 years. Also John Cahill who died Nov the 1 1793 aged 39 years. May their souls rest in peace. Amen. [93]

Erected by John Cahill of Thurles in memory of his father Michael Cahill who depd this life March 29th 1827 aged 56 years. Also his dagter Mary  died August 6th 1821 aged 45 years. [100]

Here lies the body of Mathew Cahill who dep March 18th 1786 aged 69 years. Also his son Jno Cahill depd April 8th 1786 aged 35 years. [89]

Erected by Mattw Cahill in memory of his beloved wife Mrs Anne Cahill who departed this life 4th august 1870 aged 40 years. Here also lie the remains of the above Mathew Cahill who departed this life the 25th day of September 1885 aged 75 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [103]

Paul, Matthew and Matthew. See Turner. Ref: [87]

Erected by Timothy Cahill of Thurles in memory of his son Timothy Cahill who departed this life Oct 18 1843 aged 22 years.  Also his daughter Johanna Ryahill died Dec 17 1848 aged 27 years. [105]

Margaret. See POWER. Ref: [232]

Erected by Michael Cantwell of Thurles in memory of his mother Mary Nagle died April 29th 1849 aged 63 years, also his father James Cantwell died March 10th 1856 aged 66 yr and his sister Johanna died Dec 23rd 1856 aged 33 years. [233]

Erected by Martin Carew in memory of his wife Catherine Carew alias Murry who depd Dec 1 1822 aged 33 yrs. May she rest in peace. Amen. [426]

Mary. See BOYLE. Ref: [ 41]

Erected by P Carew of Waterford Merchant in memory of his beloved wife Alice Mary who died June 10th 1863 aged 33 years. In your charity pray for the repose of the soul of Alice  England of Tipperary who died 22nd Sept 1885. Also Captain Thomas Carew who died 25th Feb 1942 in his 85th year. May their souls rest in peace. [495]

Here lyeth the body of David Carey who departed this life yy 8 an dom 1736 in ye 8th year of his age. Also ye body of Jon Carey. [243]

Erected by James Carigan in memory of his brother Edmd Carigan who depd Nov 1st
1801 aged 40 years. Also his sister Honora dep Decr 7th 1800 aged 44  and her brother Patrick departed Sept 2 1807 aged 45 years.  May they rest in peace. Amen. [262]

In memory of Mary Ann Carrigan died 22nd June 1930 aged 58 years. Her sister Anastasia Fanning died 4th Nov 1941 aged 73 years. Patrick Fanning died 1st March 1916 aged 78 years. Buried in this cemetary. Give them eternal rest O Lord.

Erc __ by Rd Carny in memory of his father Jno dep AD 1799 A 60. [171]

Here lies the body of Andrew Carol died 24th of June 1801 aged 42 years. His son James died in 1804 aged 18. May they rest in peace. [390]

Sacred to the memory of the undermentioned whose bodies lie here interred. John Carroll of Drish who died on the 1st  Feb 1764 aged 80 yrs. Patrick Carroll of Moycarkey Castle.His grandson died on the 6th day of Dec 1801 aged 28 years Ann Carroll als Ryan said Patricks mother died on the 30th day of  March 1807 aged 71 tears and Patrick Carroll sen of Moycarkey Castle who died on the 1st of October 1818 aged 70 years  husband to the said Ann.   John Carroll of Coil __ eldest son  who died on the 20th April 1833 aged 5 years   [372]

Judith. See Kirwan Ref: [210]

Mary. See RYAN Mary Ref: [359]

Erected by Thomas Carroll New York City USA to the memory of his father Thomas Carroll who departed this life 8th April 1860 aged 71 years.  Also his brother Daniel Carroll who died at Meeanmar east India 11th Sept 1873 aged 29 years and his brother John Carroll who departed this life 5th Dec 1873. Also his mother Johanna Carroll who died April 29th 1895 aged 84 years. [138]

Mary. See POWER ref [86]

Erected by Mrs Anne Cassidy Thurles in memory of her beloved husband Michael Cassidy R.I.C. who died 20th Dec 1888 aged 45 years. Also her son Michael John who died young. [314]

Here lies the body of John Cavanagh died Dec the 19 1780 aged 40 years. Also his wife Cath Cavanagh alias Kelly died July 16th 1812 aged 60 years. May they rest in peace. Amen.  Erected by his son Jno Cavanagh. [374]

Mary. See Ryan Patrick. Ref: [203]

Cath. See Hood. Ref: [99]

Erected by Cornelious Cleary of the Furze in memory of his  mother Anne Cleary who died 4th April 1886 aged 80 years. Also his sister Mary Cleary who died 14th March 1884 aged 50 years. Also the above Cornelious Cleary died 15th Oct 1915 aged 78 years. [178]

Erected by John Collins of Ballycarrane in memory of his wife Magt Curn who died July 19th 1837 aged 52 yrs. Also the above John Collins died 8th May 1868 aged 100 yrs. May they rest in peace. Amen. [453]

Anne. See NEALE. Anne Ref: [382]

Erected by Patrick Comerford of Thurles in memory of his son John who departed this life June 1st 1847 aged 11 years. [473]

In loving memory of Henry Condon, The Furze, Thurles who died 8th Sept 1946 and his wife Mary died 29th Oct 1944.  R.I.P.. [25]

Erected by John Condon in memory of his dearly beloved mother Mrs Catherine Condon of Bohernamona who died 20th July 1884 aged 57 years. Also in memory of his brothers Thomas Michael and James who died young and also to the memory of his brother Patrick Condon who died on the5th November 1887 aged 30 years. Also Bgt Flanagan (nee Condon) Bohernamona, and her husband Michael died 20th feb 1911 and 23 Nov 1923 [28]

In loving memory of Michael Condon of The Furze Thurles who died Nov 13th 1935 aged 77 years. Also his wife Mary Condon (nee Harney) died April 25th 1917 aged 55 years. Also his daughter Mary died August 3rd 1916 aged 25 years.

Erected by Michael Condon of Knockroe in memory of his wife Margt Condon als Ryan who depd this life July 22nd 1832 aged 40 years. [27]

Erected by the Widow Condon in memory of her husband Thos Condon who died Jun 2 1824 aged 55 years. Of his son Patrick Condon who departed July 4th 1826 aged 19 years.  [29]

Here lies the body of John Connell who dyed April the 3 1724.  [This stone was
buried and found lying some feet away from its present position.  It was found
and reset during the winter of 1995/1996]

Here lies the body of Mary Conlon died March 16th 1768 aged 36 years. Requiscent in pace. [193]

Erected as a mark of sympathy by the members of the G S and W R Cricket Club, in memory of James Connell who was accidentally killed at Thurles Railway Station April 23rd 1892 aged 11 years. [288]

Rev Francis Connell. [488]

Here lieth the body of John Connelly who dyed April the 3rd 1724.

Sacred to the memory of Michael Conran of Manchester who died at Thurles March 22nd 1860 aged 46 years. He is not dead but sleepeth. May he rest in peace. Amen. [1]

Conroy:   See GRACE. Johanna. Ref: [467]

This monuement erected to the memory of Archibald Cooke of Thurles who depd this life the 5th day of December in the year of Our Lord 1807 aged 50 years. Also is here interred the remains of his wife Mary Cooke who died on the 2nd day of May 1825 aged 70 years.

Sacred to the memory of Mrs Eliza Cooke late wife of Adam Cooke of this town who departed this life Jan 1 1825 aged 40 years. Them that sleep in Jesus with God bring with him. Thes 4. 17. Also her husband Adam Cooke who departed this life 4th October 1843 (?) aged 60.  Blessed and holy is he that  put in the just resurection……  Also their eldest daughter Elizabeth died 13th February 1864 aged 52 years. Their son Rev Adam  died 26th Jany 1872 aged 55 years.

Erected by Thomas Conroy of Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Mary Conroy died 15th August 1859 aged 40 years. Thomas Conroy died 23rd Jan 1863 aged 49 years. [475]

Judh. See LAHY. Ref: [75]

See McCarthy, Elenor.

Erected by Mrs Corcoran in memory of her father Henry Fanning died 20th Nov 1826 aged 40 years. Also her beloved son Michael died May 26th 1866 aged 30 years.

Catherine. See Oulahan, Catherine.Ref: [513]

Erected by James Cormack of Killahara in memory of his father Thos Cormack who died March 20 1801 aged 70 yrs.  Also his mother Elizabeth Cormack alias Dunn died ………. [167]

Sacred to the memory of Mr John Cormack of Thurles who departed this life the 3rd day of January 1808 aged 68 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Beneath this tomb is also deposited the remains of Mr Thomas Cormack who departed this life on the 4th day of July 1809 aged 30 years. May the lord have mercy on his soul. Amen. Also Bridget Cormack wife to Mr John Cormack of Thurles who departed this life February 24th 1812 aged 52 years. Here also are deposited the remains of Mary Cormack of Bachelors Hill who departed this life on the 18th June 1882 aged 100 years. Also her daughter Margaret Cormack who departed this life on the 8th day of April 1893 aged 75 years. Also her son John Cormack Coroner who departed this life 25th July 1898 aged 74 years and her son Thomas Cormack who died 17th October 1909 aged 84 years. May they rest in peace. [289]

Margaret and Thomas. See RYAN. Ref: [158]

Patrick. See Cahill, Elenor.

Erected by Thomas Cormack of Killahara in memory of his father James Cormack who died January the 7th 1806 aged 70 yrs   Also his son Wm Cormack who died March the 7th 1823 aged 22 years. May ….. [166]

Here lies the body of William Cormack of Killahara who died July the 20th 1818 aged 64 years. May he rest in peace. Amen.[165]

Ml  Simon and Mary. See McCormack, Mary. Ref: [345]

Archdeacon Henry Cotton. See Hunt, Michael. Ref: [334]

Mary and James. See Burk, Richard. Ref: [401]

Wm. See FITZGERALD, James.

Bridget. See Ryan. Ref: [79]

Sacred to the memory of Bridget Culhane who departed this life 12th March 1878 aged 57 years and her daughter Mary who died on the 30th July 1873 aged 27 years. Also of her daughter Helen Maher who died 9th Dec1878 aged 22 years and her husband James Culhane died 4th July 1884 aged 74 yrs and Patrick Culhane her son who died 8th June 1907 aged 50 years. Richard Maher died 18th Oct 1918 aged 47 yrs. Charles Culhane died 4th Jan 1926 aged 67 years. Michael  Culhane died 4th Feb 1932 aged 87 years. [274]

Erected by John Cummings of Luigh in memory of his wife Margt Cummings (als Callanan) who depd this life March 1st 1831 aged 41 years. [37]

Erected by Bridget Cummins nee Toohey Rathcradogue in loving memory of her husband Henry Cummins died 18th july 1917 aged 62 years.  Also her son Phil Thomas died 21 May 1865 aged 7 years and her son John died 20 May 1908 aged 21 years. Her daughter Bridget (Cissie) Cummins died 29 Nov 1921 aged 23 years. The above Bridget Cummins died 17th Nov 1923 aged 68 years. [55]

Erected by Richard Cummins Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Bridget who died 1st Sept 1889. [351]

Sacred to the remains of Mary mother of George Cunningham of Thurles who died 6th Nov 1816 aged 60. Also his father Jno Cunningham departed 21st August 1824 aged 85 and his son Patk Cunningham who died 9th may 1842 aged 19 and his daughter Catherine aged 5 years died 9th Febry 1843. Requiscant in pace. Amen.

10181. Corporal P. Cunningham Leinster Regiment 4th June 1915 aged 20. [339] (See brother John Cunningham, Here)

Magt. See COLLINS, John. Ref: [453]

Elizabeth. See THOMPSON, Anthony. Ref: [308]

Mrs Laurence Burke.  See BURKE, Laurence. ref: [414] and DALTON, Cath.  Ref: [415]

Erected by Mrs Dalton Rossestown in memory of her beloved husband William Dalton who died 30th Sept 1869 aged 50 years. Also his son William Dalton died 3rd Dec 1871 aged 19 years. Also the above Mrs Dalton. [416]

Marie. See AYLWARD, Jacobi. Ref: [346]

Mary. See BURKE, Laurence. Ref: [414]

Erected by John Daulton of Rossestown in memory of his wife Johanna Ryan who died 1st April 1853 aged 52 years. Also the above John Daulton died 1852 and Johanna Burke Rossestown died 7th Nov 1936 aged 72 years. Also Edward Burke Rossestown died 12th Oct 1939 aged 55 years. May their souls rest in peace. [432]

Mary. See Quin. Ref: [418]

Here lies the body of Mary Daulton als White who died May the 2nd 1796 aged 35 years.   May she rest in peace. Amen. [417]

Erected by Richard Daulton of Rossestown in memory of his wife Margt Tearny who died Oct 5th 1831 aged 3?(5)2 years. [334]

Here lieth the body of Judy Davern who died the 18th day of May 1772. Also the body of John Davern who dep’d April the 27th 1825 aged 76 years and his wife Mary who dep’d April the 16th 1825 aged 70 years. May they rest in peace. Amen Also James Smee died 22nd Nov 1886 aged 32 years. His daughter Mary Russell USA died at Cashel, Aug 1921. [353]

Here lies the body of Thomas Day who died  September the 12th 1777 aged 59 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [400]

Mary. See BOURKE, Mary. Ref: [247]

Catherine. See BURROUGHS. Ref: [217]

Catherine. See HOGAN. Ref: [216]

Erected by Denis Delaney of Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Delaney died 17th September 1868 aged 57 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. Also the above Denis Delaney who died 3rd April 1883 aged 74 years and his grandchildren Patrick and Johanne Egan who died young. [98]

Erected by Mrs Delany of Thurles in memory of her father Edmond Delany who died Oct the 25th 1826 aged 42 years. Also her mother Catherine Delany alias Shea.who died November the 29th 1818 aged 27 years. [259]

Here lie the remains of Mrs Mary Delany of Thurles who departed this life in the 74 year of her age on the 21 day of Febry 1839, also her husband William Delany, Builder who died Oct 31 1842 aged 87 years. [215]

Erected by Thomas Delany of Thurles in memory of his father Denis Delany who died 21st January 1871 aged 84 years. Also his two brothers and his sister. Also his mother Judith Delany who died 25th September 1891 aged 87 years. May they rest in peace. [516]

Here lies the body of Wm Delany who depd this life Feb the 7 1793 aged 15 months
also his sister Catherine Delany who depd this life June the 1 1796 aged 10
months   [214]

Erected by John Dempsey in memory of his beloved mother Anne Dempsey (alias Howe) who died December 30th 1896 aged 70 years. Also the above named John Dempsey who died February 4th 1889 aged 43 years and his sons Anthony and Jeremiah who died young.  [295]

Erected by Mary Dempsey in memory of her husband James Dempsey who depd this life the 19 Septr 1821 aged 65 years. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Mary. See SEMPLE, Thomas. J. Ref: [507]

Here lied the body of John Dignion of Thurles Station who died Jan 10 1817 aged _ . [315]

Nancy. See REYNOLDS, Nancy. Ref: [256]

Here lies the body of Florence Donohoo died May the 11 1796 aged 46 years. May he rest in peace. [225]

Erected by John Doosey, Mill Lane, Thurles, in memory of his beloved wife Margaret who died 17th May 1872 aged 72 years. May she rest in peace. Amen. Also the above John Doosey died 16th Oct 1875. His son John died 9th feb 1881. Mary Doosey died 1st May 1926. Margaret Doosey died 2nd Dec 1930. [518]

Erected by Mary Doran (Alias Kearns) of Thurles in memory of her husband John Doran died 2nd May 1871 aged 60 years. Also her daughter Catherine Doran died 27th August 1851 aged 6 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [487]

Erected by Thomas Doran in memory of his father John Doran who died Sept 1889 aged 60 years. Also his brother Michael who died 10th March 1878 aged 16 years. Also his brother Joseph Doran died Nov 27th 1948. His wife Bridget died April 30th 1948. Their son Patrick interred in St Patricks Cemetary died Aug 21st 1944. [484]

Dorneys R I P. [354]

Cath. See HICKEY, Larnce. Ref: [228]

Erected by the Widow Doyle of Kilemakill in memory of her husband John Doyle who departed this life October the 25th 1835 aged 72 years. Also her daughter Margaret Doyle who departed this life in the year 1842 aged 35 years. Also the above named Widow Doyle who departed this life November the 12th 1865 aged 86 years and her son James Doyle who departed this life May 30th 1876 aged 75 years. [109]

Here lies the body of James Doyle of Kilmakill Farmer and Margaret his wife. He departed this life December 7th 1811 aged 89 years. She died May 5th 1800 aged 63. The Lord have mercy on their souls. Erected by their son Jno Doyle. [108]

Erected by John Dickson in memory of his daughter Catherine Marie Dickson who depd this life May 17th 1819 aged 14 months. [17]

Matthew and Margaret. See DOWNEY. Ref: [67]

Pray for the repose of the souls of Margaret Downey who died 18th Dec 1911 aged 76 years and her husband Michael Downey who died 21st July 1918 aged 86 years. Also Matthew Dowling died 29th June 1924 aged 48 years. Margaret Dowling died 26th June 1940 aged 65 years. [67]

Jer. See BOURKE, Thos. Ref: [248]

Here lies the body of Margaret Dugan who died April 1846 aged 84 yrs. [173]

Here lies Wm Duga(n) Mar 12 1828 aged 64 years. [131]

Elizabeth. See CORMACK. Ref: [167]

Margaret. See BOULGER. Ref: [190]

Sacred to the memory of James Dunphy of Carrinmore died 24th may 1856 aged 70 years. Also his brother Patrick Dunphy died 30th __ 1849 aged 70 years. Also his daughter Margaret (alias Morrissy) died 15th July 1861 aged 28. Also his wife Mary Dunphy.

Here lies the body of Michl Dunphy of Dualaha who departed this life Nov 13 1830 aged 75. Also his brother James died Jan 24th 1820 aged 55 years. [212]

Here lies the body of Patrick Dunphy who died 1781 aged 55 years. Also Mary Dunphy died Dcbr 23 1802. [211]

Margaret. See FOGARTY, Wm. Ref: [255]

(North Panel) Erected byAnthony Dwyer Thurles to the memory of his father Cornelius Dwer who died the 8th february 1871 aged 76 years. Requiesant in pace (Front Panel) Here are also deposited the remains of Mr Anthony Dwyer who departed this life Feb 5th 1876 aged 47 years. [175]

In loving memory of John Dwyer Stradavoher St died 9th May 1915 aged 94 years. And his wife Catherine died 25th March 1925 aged 78. Also their daughter Margaret Mary died 10th April 1906 aged 27. Their grandson Seamus died 5th April 1924 aged 2. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on them. Erected by their children. [321]

Here lies the body of John Dwyer of Thurles who depd this life May 11th 1805 aged 60 yrs   Also his son Wm Dwyer died April 27th 1822 aged 49 years. May they rest in peace. [371]

Here lies the body of Patt Dwyer of Thurles Merchant who died Nov the 14th 1803 aged 44 years.  Also his mother Mary Dwyer (als Buckley) who died March the 18th 1801 aged 80 years. [168]

Erected by Catherine Dwyre in memory of her husband William Harney of Whitefield who dep this life February 29th 1836 aged 74 years. Also his son Jeremiah Harney died June the 15th 1826 aged 21 years. [300]

Erected by Edmd Eagin in memory of his two children Patrick and Mary Eagin. [412]

Here lies the body of Jams Eagin 1792 aged 18 and his mother Elon Eagin aged 50. May they rest in peace. Amen. [410]

Underneath are deposited the remains of Mr William Eangle of Thurles who departed this life 11th April 1824. [462]

Patrick and Johanna. See DELANEY. [98]

Here lieth the remains of Anastasia Egan als Cahill of Mullanes who departed life March 22nd 1837 aged 80 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. Also her husband Denis Egan who died May 28th 1840 aged 78 years   May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Also Elon Mihan (als Egan) depd August 25 1856 aged 28 years. [177]

Alice. See CAREW, P. [495]

Bridget. See KELLY, Jno. [458]

Maria. See HAYES, Richard. [465]

Here lies the body of Richard Fannin died Dec 20th 1799 aged _ also his wife Catherine Shanahan dept March 1st 1783?(5) aged 67 years. [14]

Here lies the body of Thos Fannin who depd March 10th 1820 aged 36 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. Erected by his wife Honora Fannin (als Ryan) Grange. Also are deposited the remains of the above Honora Ryan who died June 20th 1871 aged 80 years and their daughter Mary Fannin died July 16th 1827 aged 8 years. [12]

Anastasia. See Carrigan, Mary Ann.

Henry. See CORCORAN. [8]

Sacred to the memory of Mr John Fanning of Thurles who departed this life the 2nd of December 1844 aged 42 years. May he rest in peace. Also to the memory of Mr Patrick Fanning who departed this life the 8th April 1884 aged 80 years. May he rest in peace. [121]

Patrick. See Carrigan, Mary Ann.

Erected by Patrick Fanning in memory of his wife Mary Fanning alias Ryan who departed this life the 20th February in the year of Our Lord 1828 aged 50 years. [123]

Erected by a few friends to the memory of Edward Fay I R who died 3rd December 1872 aged 31 years. R.I.P.. [316]

Bridget. See BUTLER, Bridget. [325]

Here lieth ye body of Father Michael Fihan for 35(?) years Parish Priest of Thurles who dep this life November ye 4th 1765 aged 71(?) years.

Erected by Michael Finan in memory of his 3 children Anthony Finan aged 5 years also his wife Catherine Fogarty dep Jan 24 1834 aged 43. [107]

Here lies the body of James Finn of Thurles who died June 6th 1803 aged 72 years and his wife Bridget Shea died June 12th 1803 aged 46 years. Their son James Finn died August the 16th 1809 aged 16 years  his brother John Finn died January the 12th 1812 aged 23.   May they rest in peace. Amen. Also Johanna Finn (alias Lester) wife of Michl Finn died 17 of February 1827 aged 55(?).   May the lord have mercy on their souls. Amen. Also Wm and Michael Finn died __________ . [202]

In Memory of William Finn Westgate Thurles died 1st Sept 1929. His mother Johanna Finn and his brother Michael 8th March and 30th April 1901 respectivly interred at Relig Breda. [201]

Johanna. See BOULGER. [190]

Ann and Ellie. See PURCELL. [111]

Eliner. See SPELLANE, Edmund. [337]

Erected by Jome Fitzgerald Clogheen late of Thurles in memory of his daughter Ellen Fitzgerald who died 23rd July 1887 aged 18 years. [110]

Erected by James Fitzgerald in memory of his father Michael Fitzgerald who died Jan 28th 1804 aged 66 years. Also his father in law Wm. Cronan died Nov 12th 1816 aged 88 years. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Erected by Margaret Fitzgerald in memory of her daughter Margaret Geran who died
June 26th 1823 aged 14 months.   (This may be the same as the next entry.)

Erected by Marg Fitzgerald _________ memory of  her _____________ . [441]

See BYRNE. [361]

Bgt. See CONDON. [28]

Here lieth the body of Mathew Fling who departed this life June the 20th 1778 aged 27 years. Rest in peace. Amen. [269]

Sacred to the memory of Patk Flinn who died May 18th 1824 aged 40. [24]

Mary. See BURK, Richard. [401]

Here lies the body of Edmond Fogarty who departed this life June the 4th 1813 aged 63 years also his daughter Anne Fogarty aged 15 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [254]

Margaret. See RYAN, Michael. [492]

Here lies the body of Michael Fogarty died ye yr 1799 aged 12 yrs. Requiescent in pace. [369]

Erected by Wm Fogarty in memory of his father James Fogarty departed May 5th 1771 aged 65 years also his wife Juln Fogarty als Quinn dep March 16th 1813 aged 93 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. Renewed by William Fogarty of Graigue in memory of his father Andrew Fogarty who died the 21 May 1883 aged 79 years, also his mother Margaret Fogarty alias Dwan who died the 15th February 1884 aged 81 years also his sister Johanne Fogarty who died 30th October 1881 aged 30 years. May the rest in peace. Amen. [255]

Catherine. See FINAN. [109]

Rev Francis Garrett 38 years Rector of Union of Thurles died 19 March 1813 in his 88th year. Erected by his widow Catherine.

Erected by Edwd Gayne in memory of his grandson Thos Nisbett who departed Oct 6th 1830 aged 7 years.

Catherine. See Fitzgerald,  Margaret.

Mary. See CAHILL. [90]

Judith. See HICKEY, Michael. [327]

Mary. See KIRWAN, Mary. [207]

Pray for the soul of Mrs Michl Gleeson alias Ryan late of Thurles and formerly of Cloneyharp mother of our Townsman Archbishop Ryan U S A. (North Side) Pray for the soul of Michael Gleeson Thurles who died 30th Dec 1880. [360]
(Picture Shows:- Funeral procession in 1902 of Archbishop Croke (Cashel & Emly), showing Cross above the house in which Archbishop Ryan was born here in Thurles, County Tipperary.)

In loving memory of Michael Gleeson Stradavoher died 4th Jan 1941   His wife Hanoria died 8th June 1922, also his sons John Gleeson Slievenamon Road died 13th April 1909 Michael Gleeson Parnell St died 15th Nov 1932 and his wife Anne who died 28th July 1977. Erected by his son Patrick. R.I.P.. [474]

Gore Hardy
Robert. See HARDY, Robert Gore. [464]

Gore Jones
Letetia Elizabeth.  See JONES.

Erected by Michael Gorman Lisduff in memory of his beloved wife Mary nee Ryan who died 11th July 1910 aged 70 years. [80]  [There are five headstones on this grave.] See also, RYAN. [81], RYAN. [82] RYAN. [83] RYAN. [84]

In memory of Johanna Grace, Mitchel St, Thurles, died 23rd Dec 1932. Her sons Patrick and Michael her daughter Josiie and her Mother Mrs Conroy. May theLord grant them eternal rest. Erected by her son Willie. [467]

Ellen. See MURRY, Johanna. [425]

In loving memory of Emma, wife of George Greene and eldest daughter of Edward and Harriet Sherlock who died at Roscrea the 20th of January 1893 aged 25 years. Hymn 96. Also of her brother Frederick who died at Thurles on the 13th day of
February 1877 aged 3 years. Safe in the arms of Jesus. [118]

Here lies the body of Mrs Rose Green who departed this life the 3rd day of October 1775 aged 68 years. Lord have mercy on her soul. Amen. [481]

Michael and Kate. See RYAN, Ann. [253]

In loving memory of Andrew Grundy died 1st march 1930 and his wife Anne died in U S A 15th Aug 1959. R.I.P.. Erected by their loving family. [133]

Mary. See RYAN, John. [246]

Bridget. See POWER. [86]

Here lies the body of James Guiney who died November the 27th 1802 aged 69 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [101]

Ellis. See PURCELL, John.

Here lies the body of John Hacket who died Nov 30 1836 aged 90. May he rest in peace. Amen. [268]

Here lieth the body of Patrick Hackett who died June the 26th 1778 aged 45 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [402]

Here lies the body of Mary Hackett alias Laffan who died the 17th January 1772 aged 60 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. Also Timothy Quinlan and his wife Anne Quinlan (alias Laffan). [174]

Here lies the remains of Mrs Ruth Hall alias Bethel the tender and affectionate wife of George Hall (Pawnbroker of this town). She depd this life the 22nd December 1832 aged 33 years. Also her son Con Hall died on the 6th of November 1829 aged 6 years. [460]

To the memory of Robert Gore Hardy Esq late of the 68th light infantry and military train who entered into rest December 12th 1862 aged 27 years and of his wife Honoria Anne Dorothea Herbert who entered into her rest May 1864. (South Panel)  Also their brother in law Charles Valentine Maher of Turtulla who entered into his rest October 18th 1871. Dearly lamented and beloved ”Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”  (East Side)  And of his widow Margaret Jane Herbert who departed into her rest June 24th 1882  ”Jesus said unto her I am the Resurrection and the life, he that believes in me though he were dead shall live.” Also of his daughter Maud Mary Herbert Maher who entered into rest Nov 15th 1901. (West Side) In memoriam Robert Cope Hardy Armigeri qui obit Decembris Anno Dom MD CCCLX11 Aetais suae XXVII Etiam Suae Uxoris Honoria Anna Dorothea Herbert Quae Obit 23 Maii ANNO DOm 1864  _ ohan Cap 111, 16, 17. 18 Apoc Cap XIV 13. [464]

Burial place of Rev C.B. HarleyOh to be over yonder. We are confidant and willing rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord.” 2 Cor v8. This monument is erected by Rev C. B. Harley in memory of his children Hugh Swanzy who died 23 Aug 1868 aged one year and nine months. John Benjamin who died 18 Aug 1870 aged nine months. Christopher Swanzy died March 10 aged six months. Rosalie who entered into rest at Cork February 15th 1890 aged 25 years also Marian Elizabeth eldest daughter born April 16th 1863 died at Cork May 4th 1896. [120]  (See Passage West, Cork)

See______________ .

Erected by Mrs Anne Harney in memory of her beloved husband Michael Harney of Thurles who departed this life the 16th April 1865 aged 56 years also his brother James Harney who died Decr 21st 1880 aged 73. [298]

Here lies the body of Mrs Elizabeth Harney wife of Thomas Harney of Farney Bridge who dept this life the 2nd day of March aged 60 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. Also the remains of Mr Thomas Harney who departed this life the 7th day of July 1821 aged 75 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [301]

Erected by Mr James Harney of Thurles in memory of his father Wm Harney who departed this life Jan 6th 1803 aged 64 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [302]

Mary.   See CONDON. [26]

Mary. See MURRY, Richard. [424]

Erected by Patrick Harney of Thurles in memory of his wife Mary Harney alias Weston who depd this life March 19th 1893 aged 60 also his daughter Anastasia Harney who departed this life March 4th 1840 aged 26 years. [297]

Pray for the repose of the soul of Richard Harney who departed this life on 30th October 1893 aged 84 years also his wife Mary Ann Herney who died Feb 3rd 1871 aged 40 years. [494]

In loving memory of our father Timothy Harney (Mitchel St Thurles) died 27th October 1917. Our mother Johanna Harney died 3rd Oct 1939 also their grandchildren Johanna Harney and Johanna Maher also their son Philip Harney died 24th Feb 1942. R.I.P.  John Harney died in Brisbane Australia 29th March 1976 aged 76.

Erected by Patk and Wm Harney in memory of their mother Mar__ Quinn died 1768 aged 40 years and their father Mathias who departed May 1 1811 aged 68 years. Wms son Jer died May 2 1826 aged 18 years. [299]

Susan. See MATTHEWS. [119]

Erected by Ellen Hayden of Bohernamona in memory of her beloved mother Bridget Murphy who died 26th Nov 1886 aged 64 years also her brother Thomas Murphy who died 1877 aged 20 years and her sister Sarah who died in 1859. [16]

Catherine.   See RYAN, James. [352]

Erected by James Hayes in memory of John Hayes who died 7th March 1872 aged 66 years.

Margaret and John. See HOGAN, Thomas. [357]

Nora. See BOURKE. [91]

Erected by Richard Hayes of Thurles in memory of his wife Maria Hayes alias Eyers who dep this life the 9th January 1854 aged 38 years. [465]

Erected by Bryan Hays of Thurles in memory of his father Cornels Hays died Mar 24 1834 86 yrs also his mother Mary Hays depd September 2 1832 aged 78 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [34]

Margaret. See CAHILL. [78]

Erected by Thos Healy of Thurles in memory of his mother Judy dep Jan 1st 1814 aged 68 years. [9]

Erected by Margaret and Anna Heenan Thurles in memory of their father and mother. May they rest in peace. Amen. 1875. [468]

Here lies the body of Mary Heffernan dep April 16th 1866 aged 43 years. May she rest in peace. Amen.  Erected by her brother Wm Heffernan. [317]

Under this stone are deposited the remains of Matthew Henesy,  Alice Lahy his wife their children Mary  Sidney  Thomas, their grandchildren John and great grandchild Agnes. May the Lord have mercy on them. Amen. Erected by their only surviving child James Lahy Henesy. [479]

Catherine. See WHITE. [69]

Here lieth the body of Larnce Hickey who departed this life August 4th 1767 aged 54 also Cath Doyle. [228]

Erected by Michael Hickey of Kilfitmoan in memory of his father James Hickey who died Aug 2nd 1837, aged 63 yrs. [52]

Erected by Michael Hickey Carpenter in memory of his wife Judith Hickey alias Gleeson who died January 19th 1827 aged 62 years also their son Michl Hickey who died August the 16th 1808 aged 16 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [327]

Erected in memory of his brother Wm Hickey he died in Cork on the 12th Janry 1821 aged 38 years also his father. May they rest in peace. Amen. [172]

Here lies the body of Patrick Hicky who died February the 28th 1797 aged 82 also his wife and son John Hicky. May they rest in peace. Amen. [404]

May the soul of Anny Hill rest in peace. Amen. Died November 5th 1813. [59]

Sacred to the memory of Owen Hill who departed this life on the 15th October 1844 aged 20 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. [510]

Here lies the body of Thos Hobbs who departed this life March ye 1 1737 aged 34 years. R.I.P..

Here lies the body of Mrs Catherine Hogan alias Delany of Cashel who departed this life Jan 1st aged 25 years also her brother Mr Thomas Delany who died Aug 27th 1852 aged 54 years. [216]

Erected by Hanora Hogan of Thurles in memory of her husband Patrick Hogan died 13th May 1858 aged 52 yrs. Also her daughter Mary Hogan died 5th May 1858 aged 16 years and her son William Hogan aged 17 years. Also the above Hanora Hogan died 28th March 1880 aged 68 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [287]

Here lies the body of Martin Hogan who died June the 27th 1787 aged 74 yrs. And
his wife Mary O’Bryan aged 61. May they rest in peace. Amen. [305]

Erected by Thomas Hogan Thurles in memory of his loving wife Margaret Hogan alias Walsh died Oct 5th 1902 aged 38. Also his father Thomas Hogan died Aug 4th 1878 aged 85 and his mother Mary Hogan alias Naughton died Dec 14 1894 aged 84. Also the first named Thomas Hogan died Sept 27th 1909 aged 62 years. And his sister Margaret Hayes died Jan 8th 1918 aged 75 years. Also her husband John Hayes died March 25th 1918 aged 68 years. R.I.P.. [357]

Bridgt. See MAHER. [239]

Here lies the body of Cath Hood als Cleary of Loughtagala who died 26th Jan 1813 aged 63 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [99]

Margaret. See PHELAN, Michael.

Erected by John Houlahan Thurles in memory of his brothers Patrick died 1886 aged 26.  William died Jan 1894 aged 45 years. R.I.P.. [347]

Anne. See DEMPSEY, John. [259]

In loving memory of Eva Hunt daughter of the late Michael Hunt, (55727 D.I., R.I.C.) Thurles,  died 27th Nov 1918 aged 15 years. [499] [Note: District Inspector Michael Hunt, a native of Sligo, was shot dead in Thurles on the evening of June 23rd, in a gun battle with IRA volunteers Jim Stapleton and James Murphy. He had represented the Crown at the inquest on the policeman shot at Knocklong station when Sean Treacy was being rescued. Hunt had joined the RIC in 1893 and had served in Kerry, King’s County and Longford before going to Tipperary. Prayers were said in Gurteen church for the repose of his soul at the request of the Parish Priest Very Rev Canon O’Connor who described the shooting as “diabolical in the extreme”.]

Here lies the body of Mary Hunt alias Bourke depd this life Dec the 17 1793 aged 54 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen.  Also her husband Thomas Hunt depd Aug the 6th __97 aged 63 yrs.   Requiescant in pace. Also their son Thomas Hunt died Sept 19th 1837 aged 63 years.  And his wife Mary Hunt alias Sheehan died dec 4th 1821. [335]

Archdeacon Henry Cotton

Erected by Michael Hunt of Mill Lane in memory of his son Wm Hunt, who died Feb 8th 1868 aged 21 years and also his wife Mrs Ellen Hunt died Jan the 10th 1871 aged 57 years.   His daughter Anne Hunt died July 8th 1872 aged 22 years. Michael Hunt died April 5th 1891 aged 87 years. He was for over fifty years the faithful servant of Archdeacon (Henry) Cotton, The Glebe, Thurles. May they rest in peace. Amen. [334]  (Click picture on left for full resolution.)

Eliza Jane Johnston Born 25th May 1877 died 4th of March 1878. Also Hanna Jane Johnston born 18th Feb 1881 died August 12th 1881. Also her twin sister Dorinda. J A Johnston died Oct 25th 1882 aged 1 year and 8 months. “Safe in the arms of
Jesus.” [148]

The grave of Leteria Elizabeth Sheridan wife of John Gore Jones. (Note: Letitia Elizabeth Sheridan, Married 05 Oct 1818 at Riverstown, Co. Sligo, Ireland.)

In loving memory of John Jordan of Kickham St died 25th Sept 1925 and his wife Kate Jordan who died 23rd Dec 1942.  Also his sister Nano Jordan died 16th Nov 1906. [497]

To the memory of Ellen Kavanagh Rossestown who died 26th dec 1914 aged 84 years. Also her daughter Johanna Kavanagh who died 28th Aug 1904 aged 48 years. Erected by her son Michael Kavanagh.  (Side Panel North) Michael Kavanagh died Aug 6th 1939 aged 78 years, his wife Ann (nee Maher) died Oct 2nd 1929 aged 64 years. His sister Ellen died 1895. [413]

Mary. See DORAN, Mary. [487]

Judith. See RYAN. [43]

Cath. See CAVANAGH, John. [374]

In loving memory of James Kelly, Brittas, died 29th Oct 1842 aged 44 years. His wife Mary died 1st Sept 1933 aged 34 years. Their son Timothy died 10th May 1931 aged 11 years. R.I.P.. Erected by their son John. [476]

Erected by Jno Kelly in memory of his father Jno Kelly who died Feb 17 1837 aged 70 yrs.   Also his sister Bridg(et) Kelly (alias English) who died Nov 1845 aged 34 years. [458]

Erected by Kerin Kelly in memory of his father James Kelly who depd 11th June 1829 aged 50.   Also his mother Margret Kelly who departed in February 1827 aged 43 years. May their souls rest in peace. Amen. [251]

Mary. See RYAN, William. [408]

Cath. See Pollick, Cath.

Sacred to the memory of Alice Eliza, daughter of Col Sergt John Kenny 46th Reg of Foot and Catherine his wife, who departed this life on the 26th Jany 1845 aged 8 months and 5 days. “Of such is the Kingdon of God.” Mark 10 Ch 6. [156]

Erected by Patrick Keogh Stradavoher in memory of his uncles John and Thomas Coughlin. John died March 1862 aged 60 years. Thomas died June 1862 aged 62 years. R.I.P.. [461]

In memory of Edmond Kerns who died 11th August 1845 aged 82 years. Also his sister Catherine Kerns died 6th Dec 1846 aged 86 yrs. [486]

Erected by Daniel Kett in fond and loving memory of his father William Kett died 23rd April 1864. Of his mother Bridget Kett (nee Flynn) died 20th June 1899. And of his son William Kett died 8th Nov 1883 aged 3 years. [32]

Erected by Ellen Kett in fond and loving memory of her husband John Kett died 11th Sept 1903. Of her son Joseph Kett died 5th April 1900 also of Denis Johanna Kett nee Brennan father and mother Daniel and Ellen Kett brother and sister of the above John.  Also Ellen Kett died Oct 11 1905 aged 65 years. [241]

Here lies the body of Anstess Kerey alias Meagher who departed this life May 27 1782 aged 25 years. Requiescant in pace. [184]

Here lies the body of Judith Kirwan als Carroll who died Oct the 4th 1800 aged 75 years   May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [210]

Here lies the ___ Mary Kirwan ____ who departed this ___ March 1849 ag __ .[197]

Here lieth the body of Mary Kirwan alias Gleeson who died Nov 1st 1824 aged 54 years.   Also her daughter Judith Kirwan who died April 10 __ aged 24 years. May_____ .  [207]

In loving memory of our dear mother and father Mary Kirwan died 2nd April 1895 aged 53. William Kirwan died 2nd April 1907 aged 64 years. Also in loving memory of Bridget Britton who died 12th Jan 1882 aged 40. And Mary Ann Kirwan wife of John Kirwan who died 25th August 1902 aged 29 years. The above John Kirwan died 26th March 1927 aged 50 years. [509]

Here lies the body of Wm Kirwan who died March 23rd 1806 aged 51 years.  Also
his nephew James Quinn, Rossestown, who died April 1st 1864 aged 27 years. May
they rest in peace. Amen. [208]

Bridget and Daniel. See RYAN. [158]

Mary and Ann. See HACKETT. [174]

Erected by Mrs Lahey in memory of her husband Mr Thomas Lahey died July the 5th 1815 aged 42 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [53]

Alice. See HENESY, Mathew. [479]

Here lieth the body of John Lahy who departed this life October the 31 1780 aged 65 years. May he rest in peace. [291]

Here lies the body of Michl Lahy depd Dec the 4th 1802 aged 75 years. And his wife Judh Corcoran depd June the 7th 1789 aged 55 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [75]

Here lies the body of Patrick Lahy who died Octbr the 15th 1780 aged 12 yr. May he rest in peace. Amen. [18]

Here lieth the body of Ellen Landy alias Neale who departed this life March V Ann Dom –27 ye 70th year of her age. Here lies the body of M. Maurice Landy.

Thos and Catherine. See Langley, Catherine. ref: [266] also Nicholson, Blanch, ref:[267] and Nicholson, Emma.

To the memory of Catherine eldest daughter of John Nicholson, Esq of Turtulla, widow of Thos Langley Esq of Archerstown died the 9th June 1840 aged 87 also in loving memory of their youngest daughter Catherine Langley Newbrook, Thurles, who died 8th March 1874 aged 84.[266]

Here lieth the body of Margt Langton (alis Ryan) who dep this life March 24 1810 aged 61 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [125]

Here lies the body of James Launders son to Edward Launders of Clonmell who departed this life the 17th of February 1802 aged 72 years. Requiescant in pace. [338]

In memory of Elizabeth Trench Laurence, daughter of the Most Reverend Richard Laurence Lord Archbishop of Cashel, who died May 11 1818 aged 62 years. [224]

Sacred tto the memory of Capt William Lax of the 34th regiment who departed this life at Thurles the 4th May 1837 aged 50 years. [153]

Here lies the body of William Lawles depd Feb 17th 1806 aged 61 years. May he
rest in peace. Amen. Also his wife Margt Ryan died July 18 1809. Rest in peace. Amen. [3]

Erected by Michael Lawlor (Thurles) in loving memory of his wife Mary Lawlor (nee McCormack) died 27th Nov 1927 aged 76 years. Also his son James died 24th Oct 1899 aged 10 years. Also his son Timothy died 27th Feb 1932 aged 44 years. The above Michael died 27th April 1932 aged 82 yrs. [421]

Nora. See BLAKE. [97] also Blake. [95] and Blake. [96]

Here lies the body of Daniel Leahy who departed this life the 9th may 1786 aged 76 yr. And of his wife Judith who departed this life Sept the 16 1784 aged 63 yrs. May they rest in peace. Amen. Also the body of Wm Johnson dep Aug 6th 1809 aged 75 years. [46]

Joseph P Leahy died 15th September 1909 aged 24 years. Also Daniel Leahy died 20th Nov 1917 aged 36 years. [204]

Erected by Mary Leahy Thurles in memory of her mother Mary Maher died 24th March 1910 aged 69 years. Also her uncle Cornelius Boyle Thurles died 16th Dec 1911 aged 63.   Grandfather Patrick Boyle Cassestown died 20th July 1897 aged 86 Grandmother Johanna Boyle died 20th March 1886 aged 75. [40]

To the memory of John Leatham who died 9th December 1860 aged 61 years. And of
his wife Catherine who died 11th December 1871 aged 78 years. Erected by their
son in law Patrick Minogue Thurles. Also his two children Joseph and Catherine Minogue who died young and his son John died May 30th 1874 aged 13 years. [517]

Kate Poyton. See O’CONNOR, Mary. [353]

Johanna. See FINN. [202]

He whose virtues deserve a temple can now scarcely find a stone. In this grave are deposited the remains of Maurice Richard Leyne Esq who died 29th June 1854  This stone has been placed over him by a few humble admirers of his great virtues and talents to preserve his memory until a competent hand shall write his epitaph and a more grateful and generous people regard his merits. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [501]

Here lies the body of Margrt Lindsay otherwise Boylan who depd this life 3rd Dec 1789 aged 42 yrs. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [135]

Kathleen. See O’BRIEN, Denis. [309]

Mary. See PAINE. [115]

Jude. See MAHER. [181]

To the  memory of Catherine Long alias Tuohy Derryfadda who departed this life March 22nd 1873 aged 30 years. [56]

Erected by Patrick and Bridget Loughnane Thurles in memory of their son William Loughnane murdered by British Forces March 9th 1921 aged 23 years. [249]

In memory of Mab infant daughter of Robert Macbeth. “It is well with the child.”

Ellen. See Boyton. [191]

Here rests the body of Timothy Mackey who died Aug the 17th 1805 aged 22 yrs. May he rest in peace. Amen. [403]

Frances. See O’KEEFFE. [38]

Ann. See KAVANAGH, Ellen. [423]

Here lies the body of Catherine Maher als Brolan depd 1799 aged 60 yrs. May she rest in peace. Amen. [376]

Charles Valentine and Maud Mary Herbert. See HARDY, Robert Gore. [464]

Helen and Richard. See CULHANE, Bridget. [274]

Here lies the body of James Maher who died July the 7th 1795 aged 20 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [102]

Johanna. See HARNEY, Timothy. [303]

John Maher of Tullamaine Castle to the memory of his brother Valentine Maher Esq who died 25 Dec  1843 in the 66th year of his age. Above John Maher died 9th Dec 1850 in the 76th year of his age. (This is a railed off plot on the left hand side as you face the church.)

Maher vault. Nicholas Valentine Maher, of Turtulla died Oct 18th 1871.

Erected by John Maher and Bridget Hogh of Ballygemmane in memory of their daughter Nano Bourke died May 13th 1849 aged 30 years. And their daughter Mary Maher died May 1849 Aged 28. [239]

Sacred to the memory of Margaret Maher daughter of John Maher of the New Road dpd Oct 25 1851 aged 30 years. Also his daughter Johanna who died 14th August 1854 aged 20 years. And his much lamented son John Maher who dpd the 31 Dec 1854 aged 25 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [196]

………. . Also Maryanne Maher his beloved wife who died January 2nd 1876 and their daughter Mary who died May 14 1878   [363]  [ This is the Maher Vault and had some other inscribed tablets which are now missing.]

Here lies the body of Martin Maher who depd June 1822 aged 3 years 7 months. Also his brother Timothy Maher. [195]

Mary. See LEAHY. [40]

Erected by Michael Maher College Lane in memory of his son William who died 14th May 1871 aged 26 years. Also his daughter Anne aged 19 years. R.I.P.. Amen. [185]

Erected by Nancy Maher in memory of her daughter Margret Maher depd Nov 10th 1826 aged 6 months. [20]

Nano. See MAHER, John. [239]

May the Lord have mercy on the soul of Thos Maher of Kilo____ who died May 1808. Also his wife Jude Maher alias Lonergan ___ died Dec 1836, erected by their sons Patrick and Thomas whose remains lie here with those of their brother Edmond and of ___ . [181]

(Front Panel) Erected by Wm Maher of Thurles in memory of his father Thomas who died 8th Jan 1864 aged 64 years. Also his daughter Alice.  Also his wife Johanna Maher died Feb 26th 1892 aged 46 years and his sister Kate Maher died 23rd April 1926 aged 83 years. Requiescant in pace. (North Panel) In loving memory of his son Michael Maher who died Sept 19th 1909 aged 20 years. Also the above William Maher died 13th October 1922 aged 83 years. And his daughter Mary Maher died 11th Feb 1937. R.I.P.. (South Panel) Also his son Denis Maher died 28th Dec 1940. R.I.P.. [272]

In loving memory of William Maher of Kickham St died 12th Feb 1961. His wife Margaret died 22nd march 1931. And her brother James Burke died 17th Feb 1943. R.I.P.. [348]

Mary. See BUTLER, Bridget. [323]

In memory of John Mathews of Thurles who died Decr 8th 1821 aged 61(2) years. Also his wife Susan Mathews (alias Haskings) died Aug 10th 1845 aged 74 years. Also their son William Mathews died oct 24th 1858 aged 45 years. [119]

Beneath this stone lies the body of John Mathews who died on the 16th January 1827 in the 66th year of his life. May he rest in peace. Amen. Also his wife Elizabeth died 15th July 1842 aged 68 yrs. [470]

Rebecca. See TURNER. [87]

Here lyes the body of Elenor McCarthy alies Corcoran who departed this life March the 1st 1762 aged 29  [Some writing buried]

Here lyeth ye body of Mary McCormick (Alias Butler) who departed this life ye 21 of June 1743 in ye 38 yer of her age. Also her husband McCormack.

Anstess. See KEREY. [184]

Catherine. See Neagh, Catherine.

Mary. See RYAN. [182]

Here lies the body of Mary Meagher (alias Ryan) who departed this life March 20th 1780 aged 20 years. [124]

Elon. See EGAN. [177]

Erected by John Molloy of Castlefogarty in memory of his father John Molloy of Clareen who depd this life on the 30 day of Dec 1820 aged 57 years. Also his sister Mary Molloy who depd this life on the 4th day od Dec 1833 aged 24 years. Also his nephew John Molloy who depd this life on the 5th day of Nov 1840 aged 18 yrs. Also his daughter Bridget Molloy who depd this life on the 29tth day of March 1843 aged 14. [355]

Erected by  Joseph Molloy of Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Mrs Anne
Molloy who died ___ January 1896. Also his daughter Mary  died July 29 1869
aged 3 years. [213]

Erected by Joseph Molloy in memory of his father John Molloy who died at Ballycahill 28th June 1872 aged 71 years. And of his mother Mary Molloy who died 13th March 1876 aged 71 years. And his brother William Molloy who died Palm Sunday 1851. In loving memory of  Richard Molloy of Ballycahill who died 22nd April 1896 aged 62 years. And his son Richard who died 15th August 1897 aged 17 years. Also his son Dan who died 29tg March 1903 aged 21 years. [506]

James and William. See POWER. [65]

Pray for Mary Moloney (nee Power) Croke St who died 3rd May 1902.  And her husband William Moloney died 28th Feb 1908. Also their daughter Catherine Moroney who died 11th Oct 1974. And her husband Patrick Moroney died 12th Feb 1925. [64]

See ref: [106]

Honora.  See BRYAN, Patrick. [304]

Erected by Mrs Moloughny in memory of her husband Mr Wm Moloughny of Thurles who
departed this life October the4th 1832 aged 48 years. [496]

Erected to the memory of Mrs Hanora Moran (nee Tuohey) of Ballyknockane Clogheen who died 2nd April 1926 aged 68 years. R.I.P.. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. [54]

Catherine and Patrick. See Moloney. [64]

Erected by Sergt Nicholas Morris of Thurles in memory of his father Nicholas Morris who departed this life on the 2nd day of Sept 1854 aged 75 years. Also in memory of his mother who died the 5th Sept 1832 aged 55 years. [397]

Here lies the body of Revd Nicholas Morris P Priest of Loughmore who departed this life the 15th June 1795 aged 58 years. [399]

Margaret. See DUNPHY, James.

In loving memory of Thomas Moylan Kincora Terrace who died 28th April 1937. His wife Catherine died 1st February 1961 and their children Patrick, James and Thomas who died in infancy. [271]

Ellen. See BURKE. [218]

Here lies the body of Thos Mulloy died febry 10th 1819 aged 60 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [322]

Ered by Andy Mulroy in memory of his son Andy My died May 8th 1819 aged 7 years and 3 months.

Bridget and Thomas. See HAYDEN. [16]

Here lieth the body of Felix Murphy who departed this life Jun ye 6 An Dom 1726 in ye 20 year of his age. [189]

Erected in memory of Joseph Murphy Thurles who died 25th November 1908 aged 9 years. Also his brother Thomas who died 21st January 1910 aged 21 years William Murphy died 20th Novr 1932 aged 82 years. R.I.P.. [448]

Mary. See BRIEN. [104]

Catherine. See CAREW, Martin. [426]

Erected by Johanna Murry in memory of her father Patrick Murry Rossestown died 10 Feb 1915. Also her mother Ellen Murry (nee Gready) died 7 May 1862. Her brother William died 2 March 1872. Also his brother Richard died 23rd April 1896 and her sister Bridget died 3 Nov 1916. The above Johanna Murry died 25th April 1928. R.I.P.. [See also Murry, Richard. [424] and Carew, Martin. [426]

Erected by Richard Murry of Coolgraine in memory of his daughter Mary Harney who died February 14th 1843 aged 28 years. Here also are deposited the remains of the above Richard Murry who depd this life March 1859 aged 76 years. [424]

In loving memory of Patrick McCarthy Brittas Castle died Dec11th 1910 aged 83 years and his father Charlie McCarthy died 10th July 1872 aged 93 years. [466]

Erected by John McConnell of Thurles in memory of his beloved daughter Kate who died 11th June 1875 in the 20th year of her age. Also his son John who died April 8th 1880 in the 29th year of his age. Requiescant in pace. [146]

Mary. See LAWLOR. [421]

Here lieth the body of Mary McCormick alias Butler who departed this life ye 21 of June 1743 in ye 38th year of her life.  Also her husband Ml McCormick and her son Simon McCormick died July 1802 aged 54 years, also his wife Mary Cormick depd ___. [345]

Ellen. See Burke. [414]

Elizabeth. See Purcell, Honora. [328]

Erected by Thos McDonnell of Stradavoher in memory of his father Allick McDonnell who dep March 15 1802 aged 30 years.  Also his mother Margaret McDonnell dep July 23 1831 aged 55 years. [236]

Erected by John McEnerny of Ballycora in memory of his daughter Catherine who dep 1847 aged 35 years. [505]

Here lies the body of Judith McGrath who departed December 11th 1785 aged 19 years. May she rest in peace. [280]

Here lies the body of Cornelus McGuire of Thurles who depd this life Janry 20th 1829 aged 56 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Also his son James McGuire who died 9th Nov 1847 aged 30 years. R.I.P..  As a mark of respect by his beloved wife Catherine McGuire 1887. [139]

Undernaith are deposited the remains of Mrs Hanora McKeogh (alias Phelan) who depd this life 23rd of Dec 1829 aged 31 years. Also her daughter Hanora aged 3 years. Erected by her husband Thos McKeogh. Recquiscant in Pace. Amen.

Erected by Robert McKey of Thurles in memory of his daughter Elizabeth who died 6th February 1871 aged 26 years. Also his wife Mary Anne McKey who died 8th March 1875 aged 67 years. God is love. [154]

May the Lord have mercy on the soul of John McMahon depd Sept the 22nd 1797 aged 60 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [257]

Erected by Cornelius McNamara of Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Ellen McNamara died Sept 28th 1866 aged 80. Also his niece Hanoroh McNamara died July 31st aged 14 years. [511]

Erected by the Revd James McNamara O S F.  Brother Edward McNamara died the 17th
March 1845 aged 27 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. Also the above Rev James McNamara O S F, who died 17th June 1881 aged 85 years. R.I.P.. [512]

Mary.  See CANTWELL. [233]

Mary. See HOGAN, Thomas. [357]

Here lies the body of Catherine Neagh (als Meagher) who died November the 27th 1783.

Here lies the body of Patrick Neagle of Clongoul who died June the 20th 1789 aged 84 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [405]

Here lies the body of Edmund Neal dept this life July 25th 1779 aged 63 years. Also his wife ___ ___ . [15]

Ellen, See LANDY, Ellen.

Here lieth the body of Anne Neale (alias Collum) who died April 30th 1734 aged 55? (35) years. Also the body of Anne Petty. [382]

Here lies the body of John Neil depd Sept 26th 1807 aged 27 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [373]

Sacred to the memory of Thomas Nestor private soldier in the 88th Regiment of Connaught Rangers who departed this life on the 15(16) March 1839. This stone is erected by the officers, non commissioned officers and private soldiers of his company in testimony for their regard for this much lamented private soldier. “Come you sinners poor and weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity joined with power.” May he rest in peace. Amen. [451]

Here lieth the body of Blanch Nicholson (otherwise Crason) wife of John Nicholson of Turtulea in the County of Tipperary Esquire. She departed this life the 17th day of March in the year of Our Lord 1767 aged forty years. Also the body of John Nicholson late of Turtulea aforesaid, husband of the above named Blanch Nicholson who departed this life on the 20th day of October 1784 in the 58th year of his age. [267]

Thos. See Gayne. [455]

Erected by Elizabeth Nolan of the Pike in memory of her husband Stephen Nolan who died May 7th 1840 aged 48 years. [282]

Erected by Pat Nolan Pike St Thurles in memory of his father John Nolan who died the 4th March 1876. Also his son John who died 27th March 1876 aged 29 years and his wife Margaret who died 27th June 1878 aged 53 years. Also in memory of Patrick Nolan died June 23rd 1893 aged 78 years. [281]

To the memory of Constance Ratston, daughter of Capt Norris 64th Regt who departed this life on the 31st Dec 1846 aged three months “Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care. The opening bud of heaven conveyed and bade it blossom there.” [Epitaph is from the poem “Epitaph on an infant” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834).]

Here lies the body of James Nowlan of Thurles who departed this life 22nd May 1783 aged 84 years. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. Also his son James Nowlan died Nov 6th 1823. [236]

Died at Thurles February 1st A D 1813 Francis Delacy O’Beirne second son of J. J. O’Beirne Esq Captain in the 6 gn and Bn and Rebecca his wife and grandson of the Bishop of Meath aged one year and _ months. [155] [Bishop of Meath, Click here.]

Here lieth the body of Miss Ann O’Brien daughter of Mr Denis O’Brien of Thurles who departed this life the 14th day of September 1770 in the 19th year of her age. May her soul rest in peace. Amen.  John Bray O’Brien drowned at Cabra Mill 1st Aug 1839. Francis Bray O’Brien died at Thurles 1st Nov 1870 aged 64 years. Fanny Bray O’Brien his wife died 12th Jan 1874. Ellen Mary O’Brien died at Thurles 30th Dec 1899 aged 56 years. [310]

Here lieth the body of Denis O’Brien Esq who departed this life the 31st of October 1786 aged 68 years. Here lieth also the body of Mrs Mary O’Brien his wife who departed this life the 6th February 1796 aged 83 years. R.I.P.. John Bray O’Brien Jun died at Thurles 26th April 1812 aged 64 years. Also his wife Mary Power died 16th Oct  1812. William Bray O’Brien son of Francis Bray O’Brien who died at Ardfort 8th Dec 1927 aged 78. Also his wife Kathleen (nee Lloyd) of Lisheen Castle who died at Ardfort 22nd March 1953 aged 92 years. [309]

“O holy cross under thy shadow I will rest”   In loving memory of John O’Brien
19 Main St Thurles. died 30th June 1917 aged 62 years. R.I.P..  An upright man
fearing God and avoiding evil.   In loving memory of dear mother who died 11th
March 1924. R.I.P.. A beautiful memory left behind of a living mother true and
kind, from her daughter Claire Cemens. [349]

Mary. See HOGAN, Martin. [305]

Margaret. See RYAN, Patrick. [203]

In loving memory of Martin O’Connell, Quarry St, Thurles, died 20th Sept 1934. R.I.P.. [422]

MorganErected by Mary O’Connell, Mitchel St, in memory of her father John Wallace died 10th May 1889 aged 76 years.  And her mother Mary died 5th Jany 1894 aged 72 years. Her brother Patrick Wallace died 11th March 1927 aged 75 years. The above Mary O’Connell died 15th Dec 1932 aged 73 and her grandson Seamus O’Muireatain in aois 5 bliana deag lay Aibhreain 19 __ . [370]

Erected by Mrs Mary O’Connor Cathedral St, Thurles. in memory of her husband John O Connor native of Tralee Co Kerry who died 10th Oct 1892 aged 75. Also Mrs Kate Poyton-Lennon died 17th May 1919 aged 79. [375]

Mary Ellen. See Sheehan. [161]

Sacred to the repose of Charles O’Keeffe Esq his life distinguished by Justice and Truth was devoted to the virtues of Parent Citizen and Man,  his death 23rd October 1838 deprived the poor of a friend society of a benefactor. Gave to_____ . [39]

Here lieth the body of Mrs Frances O’Keeffe (otherwise Magrath) widow of Dixon O’Keeffe of Ballylinden Co Cork Esq who depd this life 7th Sept 1806 aged 70 years. May she rest in peace. Amen. Erected by her son Charles O’Keeffe of Thurles. [38]

Erected by Daniel O’Leary of Thurles to the memory of his father and mother Dennis and Catherine O’Leary who depd this life. Dennis 21st August aged 92 years. Catherine 20th September 1867 aged 95 years.  Also his wife Mary B.O’Leary who died 11th Nov 1871 aged 64 years. [514]

O Meagher
Here lies the body of Simon OMeagher.

See O’Meara. [504]

Erected by Ellen O’Meara Pike St Thurles in memory of her son Thomas died 6th Oct 1918 aged 19 years.  David died 17th oct 1921 aged 7 yrs.  Patrick died 7 Aug 1931 aged 24 yrs. And her husband David O Meara died 14th Dec 1932 aged 64 yrs. Also the above Ellen O’Meara died 19th Feb 1951 aged 84 yrs. [442]

Erected by John O’Meara of Thurles in memory of his beloved son Edward O’Meara who departed this life 1st day od December 1866 aged 21 years.  Also to the memory of the above named John O’Meara who departed this life October 15th 1885 aged 83 years. And his son John O’Meara who departed this life March 4th 1906 aged 64 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [503]

Killough Castle

In loving memory of Patrick O’Meara Bohernamona died Nov 16th 1910 aged 75 years. Also his wife Hanna O’Meara died Dec 28th 1916 aged 67 years. And Hanna Mary O’Meara Killough Castle died Feb 22nd 1935 aged 17 years. Also Edward T O’Meara Killough Castle died Dec 28th 1942 aged 62 years.  And his wife bridget O’Meara died 15th Sept 1969 aged 83 years. R.I.P.. [502]

Seamus. See O’CONNELL. [370]


Erected by William O’Shea of Thurles in memory of his wife and children. May they rest in peace. Amen. March 1872. [456]

(Click picture on left for larger resolution.)

Erected by Catherine Oulahan als Cormack of Thurles in memory of her husband Patrick Oulahan who depd this life June 26th 1649 aged 48 years. [513]

Mary Paine departed this life fbr ye 3 1730 aged 3 years. Also Mary Loggan (alias Paine) who died fb the 22 1752 aged 22 years. [115]

Here lies the body of Sam Pavy died 1780 aged 70 years. Also his wife Mary Pavy died 1794 aged 60 years. [147]

Here lieth the remains of _____Pearse formerly of the Cork City militia who died at Thurles on the 4th day of February 1826. This stone erected to his memory by his only _____- son        P    nad  of the Madras Medical Service. (This stone was very difficult to read and may not be fully correct as to the name.)

Anne. See Neale, Ann. [382]

Erected by Denis Phelan in memory of his sister Mary Phelan died April 1st 1816 agd 75 yr. May she rest in peace. Amen. [136]

Hanora. See McKeogh, Hanora.

Here lies the body of John Phelan of Thurles who departed this life June 20th 1809 aged 68 years. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Also his wife Margt Phelan who died Nov 29th 1816 aged 66 years. [137]

Here lies the body of Michael Phelan of Bowling Green who died Jan 28th 1845 aged 65.   His wife Margaret Hough died May 11th 1849 aged 70. May they rest in peace.

Here lyeth the body of John Pheron who dyed June ye 1st 1743 aged..[Some of Inscription buried.]

Here lyeth the body of John Pitman who departed this life January the 7th 1791 aged 43 years. [265]

Miss Cath Pollick (alias Kenny) died 4th Feb 1780.

Erected by Edmund Power in memory of his father Patk Power who dep July 1 1828 aged 58 yrs. Also his mother Elon Banan dep 2nd of June 1824 aged 36 yrs. Also his grandfather Rich Power died November 1 1796 aged 71 yrs. Also his wife Elon died May 1 1801 aged 66 yrs. May they rest in peace. [112]

Erected by James Power of Thurles over the grave of his beloved child Kathleen who died 28th July 1862 aged 2 years. Here also are deposited the remains of the above James Power whose lamented death occured on the 22nd Dec 1865 aged 42 years. And the remains of his beloved wife Margaret Power nee Cantwell who died on the 30th day of Sept 1880 in the 49th year of her age. Also their son Richard Power died 9th Novr 1902 aged 57. Requiescant in pace. [232]

Mary. See O’BRIEN, Denis. [309]

Mary. See MOLONEY. [64] and POWER. [65]

Erected by Patrick Power in memory of his sister Bridget Guildea (als Power) died January the 6th 1825 aged 52 years. Also his sister Mary Cass als Power died January 13th 1851 aged 40 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [86]

Here lies the body of Thomas Power dep Aug the 13 1796 aged 30 years. Also the body of Catherine Power who departed this life Nov the 21 1811 aged 68 years. (On top of the old stone) In loving memory of James Moloney died 24th Jan 1940 William Moloney died 23rd June 1927 [65]

Kate.  See O’CONNOR, Mary. [375]

Erected by Catherine Purcell of America in memory of her father Laurence Purcell of Stradavoher who died 20th May 1850. And her mother Ellen who died 1st March 1865   Also her sister Anne Fitzgerald (alias Purcell) died 15th July 1873 and seven children. Also her niece Ellie Fitzgerald who died 23rd July 1887 aged 18 years. May they rest in peace. [111]

Here lies the body of Hanora Purcell (als Sollivan) who died August the 15 1792 aged 21.   May she rest in peace. Amen. Erected by Elizabeth McDonel. [328]

Here lieth the body of John Purcell who dyed the 6 day of Dec 1691 and __Ellis Purcell (alias Hackett) his wife who died _ 1708 and __rett Wall  __ their __ (The rest of the stone is missing)

Erected by Mary Purcell of the Big Tree in memory of her husband William Purcell who died 4th May 1861 aged 55 years. Also her beloved grandchild Ellen Purcell who died Dec 1st 1880 aged 5 years. [290]

Here lieth the body of Mathew Purcell who departed this life March 1st 1779 aged 65 years. [331]

(The Large Purcell Tomb. Details to be inserted later.)

Erected by Michael Quinlan New Road Thurles in memory of his wife Alice Quinlan who died May 24th 1891 aged 70 years. Also his mother Johanna Quinlan who died July 23rd 1863 aged 78 years. [283]

Erected by Michael Quinlan in memory of his father James Quinlan departed April 30 1808 aged 80 years. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. Also the above Michael dep Mar 20 1837 aged 73 years. May he rest in peace. Erected by his son Michael. [284]

Erected by Michael Quinlan of Thurles in memory of his mother Mary Quinlan. [285]

Timothy and Anne. See HACKETT. [174]

Erected by his wife Elizabeth and sacred to the memory of Dennis Quin of Johnstown who departed this life the ___ of August 1835 aged 39 years. [296]

Here lies the body of Mr Jno Quin of Rossestown who died the 24th Oct 1805 aged 41 yrs.   Also the body of Mr William Quin son to the above John Quin who died May 24th 1827 aged 38 yrs. Also his wife Mary Quin (als Daulton) who died Mar 21 1843 aged 92 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [418]

Erected by Ellen Quin of Rossestown in memory of her husband William Quin who died 21st June 1863 aged 56 yrs. Also her daughter Margaret who died 9th May 1863 aged 14 years. Also in memory of her son James Quinn who died May 31st 1898 aged 40 years. [429]

Erected by Ellen Quinn of Quarry St in memory of her beloved husband James Quinn who died 4th Nov 1888 aged 40 years. Here also are deposited the remains of the above maned Mrs Ellen Quinn whose lamented death occured on the 5th Oct 1890 aged 40 years. May they rest in peace. [430]

Erected by John Quinn of this town in memory of his father Timothy Quinn who dep Nov 28 1831 aged 54 years. [221]

Juln. See FOGARTY. [255]

Mar. See HARNEY, Patk and Wm. [299]

Erected by Mary in memory of her husband Michl Quinn of Rossestown whose conduct throughout life was without reproof and whose zealous practice of virtue and strict adherance to religion left an assured hope of his changing a mortal for an immortal life on the 9th May 1845 aged 50 years and his dust comingled to that of his daughter Margt who departed this life Augt 31 1847 aged 18 years. [420]

DSC_3840(Front Panel) Erected by Michael Quinn of Rossestown in memory of his father Richard Quinn  died 25th April 1864 aged 66 years. His mother Ellen Quinn died 20th March 1883 aged 78 years. His brother James died 1st April 1864 aged 27 years. His brother William died 7th August 1900 aged 64 years. His brother Richard died 30th January 1908 aged 70 years. Also the above Michael Quinn died 12th Novr 1915 aged 84 years. (South Panel)  In loving memory of Wm J Quinn, Kilcloney, Moyne, Quartermaster, I.R.A. Died 11th May 1921 aged 18 years. (North Panel) Also his brother John J Quinn Lisduff died 9th March 1907 aged 77 years. And his wife Ellen Quinn Lisduff died 18th March 1890 aged 60 years. [209]

Erected by Patk Quinn in memory of his father Rich Quinn who departed this life June 20 1817 ag 78 yrs. Also his wife Catherine Quinn (als Dougl) who dep this life May 8 1822 aged 93 yrs. Also their son Richd who dep June 28 1813 aged 38 yrs. May they rest in peace. Amen. [231]

Sacred to the memory of Richard Quinn of Rossestown who died April 25th 1864 aged 66 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [419]

Mart Anne. See STOKES. [113]

Here lies the body of Nancy Reynolds (als Doherty) who depd April the 23rd 1812 aged 56 years.  Also her daughter Jane Reynolds dep February the 8th 1809 aged 19 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [256]

Here lies the body of Patric(k) Rodger who departed this life June 6th 1794 aged 40. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [395]

Here lies the body of Edmund Rohan of Thurles who depd this life the 8th March 1779 aged 49 years and also the body of John Rohan his son who depd this life the 5th of Nov 1812 aged 46 yr. [42]

Here lies the body of Mary Rohan (als Brit) who departed this life the 10th November 1812 aged 68 years. May she rest in peace. [135]

Mary. See DAVERN, Judy. [353]

Johanne. See CAHILL. [105]

Underneath are deposited the remains of ____ Ryan of Thurles who died ___ July 1815 aged __ yrs. John who died April 15 ____ son Jeremiah who died August 1818 aged __ and his daughter Johanna who died June 10th 1818 aged 22. Ann Ryan his wife who died 26 ___ , his son Thos Ryan died April 1830 aged 18 years. Philip Ryan son of Thos Ryan of Rathmanne died May 1823. And William Ryan son to said Thos Ryan of Hunt died 2nd July 1841 aged 65 years. Also Margaret sister of the above Thomas Ryan and widow of Thomas Cormack of Clonmel died 1848.  And her daughter Bridget wife of Daniel Laffan Solicitor Cashel died 1853. Here also are deposited the remains of John Ryan of Corbally who died on the 6th August 1895 aged 63 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [158]

Alice. See BURKE.  [33]

Alice. See SMYTH, Hugh. [276]

Erected by Ann Ryan Thurles in loving memory of her husband James Ryan died 24th dec 1911 aged 81 years. Also her daughter Mary Ann died 23rd Dec 1892 aged 31 years.  And her daughter Kate died 12th August 1887 aged 12 years. And her father and mother Michael and Kate Griffin. Also her brother James. Also the above Ann Ryan died 7th Jan 1926 aged 85 years. [253]

Ann. See CARROLL. [372]

Erected by Bridget Ryan in memory of her husband Michael Ryan of Knockroe who died June 9th aged 60 years. Also his daughter Bridget died Novr 15 1853 aged 14 years. And James his son died Nov 6th 1857 aged 10 years. And for the above Mrs Bridget Ryan who died 21st July 1883 aged 76 years. And her son Con Ryan. May they rest in peace. Amen.   Also her son Michael Ryan who died July 30 1908 aged 69 years. Remembered by Daniel Ryan.

To the memory of Bridget Ryan (nee Culhane) who died 6th July 1917 aged 53 years Edward Ryan died 15th feb 1919 aged 64 years. His son James Ryan died Jan 31st 1937 aged 42 years. And his wife Annie Ryan died Feb 5th 1937 aged 39 years. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus grant their souls eternal rest. [79]

Catherine. See BREEN, James. [205]

Here lies the body of Darby Ryan who died May the 1 1780 aged 58. May he rest in
peace. Amen. [162]

Here lies the body of Mr Daniel Ryan who departed on the — April —-  also —-  Ryan alias ——– who died ye…… [This stone is in very poor condition and was found buried  in February 1996.]

Erected to the memory of Edward Ryan Rathcoonagh who depd this life Nov 27 1841 aged 50 years. Also his daughter Johanna died Dec 19th 1841 aged 15 years. And his son Thomas dep April 27th 1854 aged 35 years. [500]

Here lies the body of Elenor Ryan who died Oct the 30th 1828 aged 20 years. Also her nephew James Ryan who departed this life 21sy Dec 1869 aged 24 years. [179]

Erected by Ellen Ryan of Rahealty in memory of her beloved father Denis Ryan died Nov 25th 1864 aged 60 years. Her mother Alice Ryan died Nov 14 1868 aged 65 years. And her brother Pat Ryan died March 11th 1897 aged 64 years. Her sister Johanna Ryan died Nov 13th 1902 aged 70. Also the above Ellen Ryan died 20th April 1913 aged 83 years. R.I.P.. [145]

Honora. See Fannin. [12]

Sacred to the memory of James Ryan of Thurles who died 4th Nov 1889 aged 85 yrs. And of his son James Ryan who died 7th August 1905 aged 65 years   And Mary Ryan (nee Smee) who died 27th Sept 1906 aged 51 years. John Ryan died 19 October 1922 aged 74 years. [82]

Holy Family Church Seattle U S A

Sacred to the memory of James Ryan who died 7th August 1915 aged 65 years. Mary Ryan (nee Smee) died 27th Sept 1906 aged 51 years. And their children Johanna Ryan died 6th May 1917 aged 29 years. James Ryan died 22nd June 1923 aged 42 years. Edward A Ryan died 18th July 1930 aged 40 years.  V Rev Robert Ryan Pastor Holy Family Church Seattle U S A died 1st May 1955 aged 72 years. [83]

Erected by James Ryan of Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Johanna Ryan who died February 9th 1859 aged 40 years. Also Bridget Ryan died 20th May 1912 aged 61 years. Ann Ryan died 18th May 1918 aged 67 years. Edward Ryan died 13th Jan 1921 aged 79 years. [84] .

Here lies the body of James Ryan who departed ye 6th October 1783 aged 60 years
Also Thomas Ryan agd 40 years   may the rest in peace. Amen. [132]

Underneath are deposited the remains of James Ryan Thurles who departed this life March 22nd 1825 aged 44 years. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. Also his daughter Anne Ryan who departed this life April 23rd 1825 aged 4 years. [126]

Here lies the body of James Ryan who died May the 16th 1799 aged 31. May he
rest in peace. Erected by his wife Ann who also departed this life Sept 16 1816 aged 45 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [330]

Erected by James Ryan in memory of his father Darby Ryan who depd this life August 16th 1859 aged 92 years. Also his mother Mary Ryan died July 20th 1866 aged 80 years. Also his aunt Catherine Hayes died May 16th 1850 aged 50. [352]

Johanna. See DAULTON, John. [432]

Erected by John Ryan Thurles in memory of his__ dep this life  ______ . [60]

Erected by Mr John Ryan of the City of Dublin in memory of his father Thos Ryan who departed this life 13th June 1818 aged 68 years. Also in memory of his mother Catherine Ryan (alias Butler) who depd Oct the 8th 1831 aged 88 years. [66]

Erecd by John Ryan in memory of his daughter Honora Ryan of Ballyduage who depd life Feb 14 1816 aged 39 yrs. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [70]

Erected by John Ryan of Thurles in memory of his father Daniel Ryan who depd February 5th 1838 aged 60 years. Also his mother Catherine Ryan who departed Octr 6th 1826 aged 40 years. May their souls rest in peace. Amen. [77]

Here lies the body of John Ryan who died Feb 12 1816 aged 63 years. And his son Pat Rn died Jan 6 1811 agd 18. His daughter Judy Rn died Aug 5th 1819 aged 17 years. [200]

Sacred to the memory of John Ryan Hatter Thurles who depd this life Feb 9 1821 aged 31   May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Also his wife Mary Gubins died Sept 8th 1841 aged 50 years. May she rest in peace. Amen. [246]

Here lies the body of Judith Ryan (als Keefe) of the Heath who died Feb 12th 1800 aged 64 yrs. May she rest in peace. Amen. [43]

Judy Ryan died the 6th day of July 1798 aged 17 years. [81]

Erected by Laurence Ryan of Coldfields in memory of his father Rodger Ryan who died Nov 5th 1858 aged 66 years, also his mother Catherine Ryan died May 2nd 1847 aged 55   And his uncle Philip Ryan aged 50 yrs. [49]

M. See TUOHY, M. [446]

Margaret. See CONDON. [27]

Margaret. See LANGTON. [125]

Here lies the body of Margt Ryan died 1800 aged 4 years. [319]

Erected by Mary Ryan in memory of her husband Patrick Ryan of Bohernamona who died Feb 11th 1859 aged 72 years. Also in memory of the above named Mary Ryan who died on the 9th day of July 1861 aged 60 years. Remembered by  their daughter Anne Ryan as a mark of respect. May they rest in peace. Amen. [5]

Mary. See FANNING. [123]

Mary. See GORMAN. [80]

Mary. See MEAGHER. [124]

Here lies the body of Mary Ryan als Meagher who died April the 23rd 1793 aged 68 years.   May she rest in peace. Amen. [182]

Mary. See CAHEL, Mary. [364]

Here lies the body of Mary Ryan also Carrol died Aug the 20th 1815 aged 62 yrs. May she rest in peace. Amen.  Tim dep in 1826 aged 80 yrs. [359]

Mary Ellen. See SHEEHAN. [161]

Erected by Michael Ryan in memory of his daughter Mary died May 7th 1822. [7]

Erected by Michael Ryan of Ballycorane in memory of his wife Margaret Fogarty who died April 30th 1851 aged 66 years. [492]

Sacred to the memory of Nelly Ryan who died April the 27th 1805 aged 52 years. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. [245]

Erected by Patrick Ryan in memory of his mother Mary Ryan alis Cavanagh who departed June 6 1837 aged 36 years. Also his uncle Michl Cavanagh. And his father John Ryan. May they rest in peace. Here also lie the remains of the above Patrick Ryan and his wife Catherine. Also his daughter-in-law  Margaret O’Connell who died Nov 30 1913. And his son Patrick Ryan who depd 23rd Jan 1923 aged 22 years. [203]

Erected by Mrs Ryan in memory of her husband John Ryan of the Furz died 11th February 1826 aged 40 years. Also his father James Ryan died 2nd Aug 1817 aged 60. And his mother Ellen Ryan died 4th Jun 1850 aged 60 years. [206]

Mrs Michael. See GLEESON, Mrs Michl. [360]

Here lyeth ye body of Philip Ryan who deced Feb ye 1728 aged 80 years. [114]

Thos Ryan of Thurles died 31 July 1818 aged 71. His son John died 6 April 1793 aged 17.   His son Jeremiah died 14 August 1805 aged 20. His daughter Johanna died 27 Jan 1818 aged 22. His daughter Anne died 13 Nov 1821 aged 32. His wife Cath. died 6 Jan 1833 aged 81 years. His son Thos Ryan of Rathmanna died 17 May 1835. Wm Ryan son to the said Thos Ryan of Thurles died 29 July 1841 aged 65 Mgt sister of above Thos Ryan and widow of Thos Cormack of Clonmel died 1849 and her daughter Bridget wife of Daniel Laffan Solicitor Cashel died 1853. John Ryan of Corbally died 6 Aug 1895 aged 63.

Here lies the body of Thomas Ryan who departed this life Nbr the 8th 1766 aged 38 years. [159]

Here lies the body of Thomas Ryan of Church House who died May the 16th 1831 aged 72 years. [180]

Erected by Thomas Ryan of Thurles in memory of his father Martin Ryan who departed this life Feb 11th 1859 aged 57 years. Also his wife Johanna who died 25th Nov 1870 aged 32 years. Renewed by Margaret Ryan in memory of her beloved husband Thomas Ryan who died 17th of August 1859 aged 65 years. Requiescant in pace. Amen. [286]

Here lies the body of William Ryan who died March the 8th 1803 aged 22. May he rest in peace. Amen. [48]

William, Michael and Bridget. See SCOTT. [4]

Erected to the memory of Wm Ryan of Graigue Moycarkey who died 24th September 1846 aged 70 years. Also his wife Judith als Butler who died 25 March 1866 aged 75 years. As a tribute of respect by their son James Ryan Graigue Moycarkey. [23]

Here lieth the body of William Ryan who died March the 28th 1790 aged 67 years. May his soul rest in peace. Also his son Rodger Ryan dep Dec 20 180_ aged 50. And his mother Mary Kennedy dep Jun ___ 18__ aged _7 years. May they rest in peace. Amen. [408]

Here lies the body of John Sauce of Killenaul who died Oct 16th 1818 aged 41 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [260]

Erected by John Scally in loving memory of his father Maurice died 21.6.1899. His mother Johanna died 18.3. 1943. His brother Patrick died 15.11.1916. And his wife Margaret died 14.2.1942. R.I.P.. [428]

Erected by Owen Scally of Thurles in memory of his father Patrick Scally depd Mar 10 1854 aged 102 years. Also his mother Mary Scally died Nov 12 1848 aged 65 years. And his brother Patrick died Oct 6 1847 aged 23 yrs. [427]

Erected by Daniel Scott in memory of his wife Mary Scott alias Harney died January 17th 1826 aged 53. [31]

Erected by William Scott of America in memory of his father Patrick Scott who died March 1869 aged 70 years. Also his mother Bridget Scott died Aug 1838 aged 35 years. And his brother Dan died April 1842 aged 20 years. Also his uncle William Ryan died Jan 1817 aged 36 years. And his uncle Michael Ryan. And his grandmother Bridget Ryan. May they rest in peace. Amen. [4]

Thurles Sarsfields 1908.

Erected by Thomas Semple Jun in loving memory of his mother Mary Semple (nee Devitt) died 8th Nov 1930 aged 46 years. His infant son and three infant brothers. His brother John died 3rd Sept 1970 aged 58 years Interred in Bristol. The above Thomas died 4 June 1984 Interred at St Patricks Cemetary. Rest in Peace. “Geadil Tiobrad Arann agus roinnt carad taob amuig den condae a tog an laic so in ndil-cuimne. Tomais S Sempeil Captaen Foirne  “Thurles Blues.” Deag 11.4.1943, Aois 64 bliadna suaimneas sioraid do da anam.” [507]  (Click picture on left for full resolution.)

Pray for Mary Shanahan (mother) Stradavoher. Buried in this cemetary Feb 12th 1947, Albert, Trudy, May. (This memorial is set on the North Wall of the cemetary)

Here lies the body of Mary Shanahan depd March the 11 1796 aged 21 years. May her soul rest in peace. Also Timothy Shanahan depd June 28 1781 aged 58 yrs and his wife. May they rest in peace. Amen. [170]

Erected by Patrk Shanahan in memory of his son Patt Shanahan who depd this life Aug 6th 1827 aged 9 yrs. May they rest in peace. Amen. Patk Shanahan died June 24th 1828 aged 46 years. [491]

Bridget. See FINN. [202]

Catherine. See DELANEY. [259]

Erected by Michl Shea in memory of his son Richd Shea dies in 1814 aged 25 yrs. His brother Edmed dep 1815 aged 12.  Also Wm Shea died in 1807 agd 18 yrs. [140]

Here lyeth the body of John Shee who departed this life 7br the 7th 1743 aged 5 years.

Judeth. See BANAN. [142]

Erected by Mrs Margaret Sheehan of Farrenreigh in memory of her beloved husband Thomas Sheehan who died August 27th 1879 aged 68 years. Also the above Mrs Margaret Sheehan died January 6th 1902 aged 70 years. Also William Sheehan died 13th May 1928 aged 76 years. [144]

Mary. See HUNT, Mary. [335]

Erected  by Sarah Sheehan of Thurles in memory of her beloved husband John Sheehan who died 3rd August 1881 aged 66 years. Also to the memory of their dearly beloved daughter Sarah Sheehan who died on the 31st May 1886 in the 24th year of her age sincerely regretted. Here also are deposited the remains of the above Mrs Sarah Sheehan who died 10th Oct 1888 aged 72 years. Also Mary Ellen Ryan nee O’Donnell died 21st Dec 1916 aged 34 years. [161]

Here lieth the body of John Sheel who departed this life Fbr the 7th 1743 aged 5 years [318]

Leticia Sheridan grave.


Here lieth the body of Leticia Elizabeth Sheridan wife of John Gore Jones

(Click picture on left for full resolution.)

Emma, Edward and Harriet. See GREENE,Frederick. [118]

Erected by John Shoughnasy in memory of his daughter Mary Shoughnasy. [2]

James. See DAVERN, Judy. [353]

Mary. See RYAN.[82]

Underneath are deposited the remains of Hugh Smyth of Thurles Saddler who depd this life the 18th November 1814 aged 65 years   Also his wife Alice Smyth alias Ryan who departed the 7th of January 1851 aged 71 years   May their souls rest in peace. Amen. And her three sons Joseph, Samuel and Edward. [276]

Mary. See BIRD, Mary. [275]

Honora. See: PURCELL, Honora. [328]

Erected by Alice Speed in memory of her husband Thos Speed who departed this
life December 3rd 1842. [485]

Erected by Edmund Spellane in memory of his father Jeremiah Spellane who died May 20 1782 aged 70 yrs. Also his wife Eliner Fitzgerald aged 60 yrs. [337]

Anastasia. See Tuohy. [20]

Here lies the body of Judy Stapleton dept Dec 11 1803 aged 80 years. May she rest in peace. Amen. [21]

(Front Panel)   Erected by Rd Stokes of Thurles in memory of his beloved wife Mary Anne Stokes alias Quirk died 21st Dec 1870 aged 34 years. And also his two children Ellen and Thomas. R.I.P.. Amen. (North Panel) Also to the erector Rd Stokes who died 2nd Nov 1885 aged 54 years. [113]

Beneath this stone are interred Mr Joshua Strangman of Thurles who died on the 30th of January 1813 aged 68 years. His wife Hannah who died on the 18th of May 1813 aged _ years. And their son Thomas died on the 10th of June 1863 aged 72 years. Also their son Francis who died on the 8th Oct 1879 aged 81 years. Also their daughter Hannah who died 20 of July 1881 aged 85 years. [264]

Erected by Steephen Sullivan of Ballycarrone in memory of his father James Sullivan who died August 31 1836 aged 56 years. [35]

Here lies the body of William Sullivan who died 12th May 1795 aged 39 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [36]

Sacred to the memory of Mrs Anastasia Supple alias Butler who departed this life the 12th May 1834 aged 28 years. Requiscent in pace. [450]

To the memory of Thomas Tabuteau second son of Joseph Tabuteau Esq died 28th November 1840 aged 3 years 9 months.

Erected by Mrs Margaret Tafe in memory of her daughter Anne Tafe died 14th April 1870 aged 24 years. [454]

Margt. See Daulton, Richard. [344]

Erected to the memory of Anthony Thompson born in Thurles departed this life in Stephen St Dublin 28th August 1806 aged 65 years. This tomb was erected by his
affectionate daughter Elizabeth Dabbadie Thompson who was called in her turn by the Lord on Christmas Eve 1865 departed this life in Paris aged 87. [308]

Mary. See FAHEY, Mary Anne. [423]

Here lieth the body of Thomas Tobin of Thurles who departed this life ___aged _ears [312]

Bridget. See CUMMINS. [55]

Sacred to the memory of James Toohey of Melbourne Australia who died in Dublin 19 Sept aged 53 years. Erected by his affectionate children of Melbourne. [10]

(North Side)  Pray for the repose of the soul of James Toohey of Rathcradogue who died 14th March 1881. The soul of their son John Toohey who died 16th March 1883. Requiescant in pace. Amen. (Bracken T’More).  (West Side) Erected by his sorrowing parents to the memory of the Rev Jamrs Toohy born Feb 25th 1856 ordained priest June 8th 1873 died Oct 22 1873. He lived in the friendship of Jesus and Mary and died in the fervour of his love for them. (South Side) Also Amy Toohey Rathcradogue died 21 Dec 1894 aged 72 years. [58]

Erected by Mary and Michael Toohey Thurles in loving memory of their sons John died 12th Sept 1922. Michael died 20th Feb 1924. Also her father and mother. Also Thomas Toohey died in Australia 29th Dec 1924. Above Michael and Mary Toohey died 22nd Dec 1932 and 17th June 1931 respectivly. Their daughter Ellie died 17th Feb 1931. [358]

Of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of Patrick Toohey of Grange Holycross who depd this life 26th Feb 1873 aged 66. Eternal rest grant to him O Lord Perpetual Light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. ( North Panel) Also pray for the repose of the soul of Bridget his wife who died on the 9th February 1883. R.I.P.. [11]

Erected by Wm Toohey of Grange in the parish of Holycross in memory of his wife Mary Fanning who depd this life Oct 16th 1839 aged 27 years. Also her infant son.[13]

Bridget. See BYRNE.   [361]

Erectd by John Torpy in memory of his daugh. Rebecca Torpy depd Mar 25 1832 aged 6½ years.

Catherine. See LONG. [56]

Here lyeth ye body of Peirce Tracey who departed this life March ye 25 an dom 1737 in ye 40 year of his age. [130]

Erected by Jermia Treacy in memory of his father Michael Treacy who departed March the 14th 1817 aged 56 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. Also his son Jermia died Sept 29 1829 aged 46 years. May he rest in peace. Amen. [329]

Erected by William Treehy of Thurles in memory of his father Wm Treehy who departed this life 15 Oct 1832 aged 63 years. [164]

Erected by James Tuohy of Rathcradogue in memory of his father John Tuohy who died 13th Oct 1856 aged 71 years. And also his son Patrick Tuohy who died 14th July 1858 aged 14 years. And in memory of his son Thomas Tuohy who died 2nd Oct 1859 aged 16 years. And in memory of his daughter Mary Tuohy who died 16th sept 1862 aged 19 years. May God admit them into the mansions of everlasting bliss through Christ Our Lord. Amen.   May their sould rest in peace. [57]

In loving memory of Joseph Tuohy Grange Holycross died 22nd Sept 1937 aged 73 And his wife Anastasia (nee Stakelum) died 5th Jan 1925 aged 50 and of their family. Mary died 1914. James died 1914. John died 1919. Thomas died 1922. Josephine died 1922. Robert died 1923. Bridget died 1926. Patrick died 1927. Timothy died 1928. Maura died 1934   Anastasia died 1937. Joseph died 1943. Machael died 1943. Katherine died 1945. R.I.P..   Erected in 1978 by William Tuohy, Sister M Patrick Tuohy and Ann Tuohy surviving children of Joseph and Anastasia Tuohy. [22]

M Tuohy served as 7/4494 Rifleman M Ryan Royal Irish Rifles 20th March 1917. [446]

Here lieth the body of Mrs Rebecca Turner alias Mathews who departed this life the 25th day of April 1799 aged 21 years. And also the body of Mr Thomas Turner who departed this life July the 18 18__ aged 66 years. Also Paul Cahill died 10th April 1937   Matthew Cahill died 1st Nov 1939. Their father Matthew Cahill died 15th July 1940. [87]

Here lies the body of Andrew Wall who departed the 23rd of December 1782 aged 67 yrs   May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [270]

Here lyeth ye body of Peter Wall who died June the 17th 1721   Catherine Wall (alias Cahil) his wife. [258]

Mary, John, Mary and Patrick. See O’CONNELL. [370]

Anstis. See BOURKE, John. [244]

Erected by Ellen Walsh in memory of her son John A Walsh M D who died Feb 25th 1872 aged 31 years.  A loving soul had he at pain or dangers call  His heart was great for all  Then breath for him array  And stand not listen …. . [342]

Margaret.   See HOGAN, Thomas. [357]

Mary. See HARNEY, Patrick. [297]

Here lyeth the body of Catherine White alias Hickey who died Fbry 14 1753 aged 29 years. [69]

Erected by Mr Patk White Thurles in memory of his son Henry White who died Dec 13 1835 aged 58 years   Also________ .[457]

Erected by James Williams Mealff in memory of his son Thos Williams who died 22nd of July 1823 aged 1 year and 10 munts. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. [356]

In memory of Ernest Henry Wills eldest and dearly loved son of Henry Wills D.I., R.I.C..  who departed this life at Thurles 7th January 1893 aged 15 years. [472]

Erected by Anthony Wilson to the memory of his beloved father Patrick native of Holycross died 4th April 1878. Also his uncle Thomas Wilson aged 56 yrs. [277]

Erected by Rev John Wood to the memory of his father Mr Robert Wood of Thurles who died 6th January 1863 aged 65 years. Also his mother Mrs Judith Wood who died 28th May 1869 aged 71 years. And his sister Miss Eliza Wood who died 29th January 1865 aged 31 years. [480]

Here lyeth ye body of Mary Wright alias Butler who dyed July ye 20 An Dom 1737 aged 19 years. [240]

Memorials inside St Mary’s Church

In memory of Dr Francis Bradshaw L .R.C.S. youngest son of Dr George Bradshaw of Thurles who died of Fever at Sierra Leone on the 6th April 1868 aged 28 years.

Sacred to the memory of William Bradshaw V.C. late Assistant Surgeon 32nd light infantry who died on the 9th march 1861. He served with the 50th Regt at the siege and fall of Sebastopol from the 8th Nov 1854 (Medal, clasp and Turkish Medal) and with the 90th Light Infantry during the Indian Campaign of 1857 and 58 was present with Havelocks Column at the actions of the 21st and 23rd September (was wounded at the latter) relief and subsequent defence of the Alumbagh under Outriam and fall of Lucknow (Medal Clasp and Victoria Cross)

In memory of Dr George Bradshaw of Thurles who died on the 14th August 1867 aged 68 years. His wife Alicia who died on the 31st October 1852 aged 52 years and their son Dr John Bradshaw Staff Surgeon who died at sea on the 19th July 1868 aged 32 years.

Elizabeth Butler

Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Butler, (Alias Poyntz) Vicountess of Thurles, Mother of James Butler, Duke of Ormond, Ancestress of Charles, Prince of Wales, and of Diana Spencer; of the Mathews of Thurles, Annfield and Thomastown and of Nano Nagle, foundress of The Presentation Nuns, interred in this place in 1673. (Click picture on left for full resolution.)

In loving memory of Revd Caesar Sutton Cooke Canon of Kilbraugh and for twenty two years Rector of Thurles who fell asleep 10th June 1900.

In loving memory of Henry F Cooke Lieut 7th Royal Sussex Regt 4th son of Rev Canon and Mrs Cooke Thurles who gave his life in the great war for King and Country 4th Aug 1916 near Pozieres France.

The Venerable Henry Cotton LLD Archdeacon of Cashel and Rector of this Parish during 44 years died the 3rd day of December 1879 aged 89 years.

Gore Jones

Gore Jones
In memoriam Thomas Sheridan Gore Jones Lieutenant 79th Cameron Highlanders, youngest son of John Gore Jones, killed in action at the Umbeyla Pass North West Frontier of India while gallantly doing his duty Nov 18th 1863. His remains are interred at Pershawar where his brother officers have erected a monument over his last resting place. (Click picture on left for full resolution.)

Gore Jones
Sacred to the memory of Letetia Elizabeth Gore Jones wife of John Gore Jones and daughter of Charles Francis Sheridan who died January 10th 1852.

Sacred to the memory of Fitzroy Knox died April 3rd 1911. In loving memory of Mary Elizabeth Maud widow of the above and a worshipper in this church for many years who died 19th March 1932.

In memory of William Grogan Knox Capt 25th regiment (K.O.B.) second son of Lt Col Wm Knox of Brittas who departed this life 28th june 1876 at Shorncliffe Camp is interred in Cheritaon Churchyard Shorncliffe where his brother officers have erected a tombstone to his memory.

Remember Hugh Knox my beloved husband Lt Col 2nd Batt Manchester Reg Commanding 16th Batt (1st City) Manchester reg youngest son of the late Fitzroy Knox of Brittas Castle [Map Ref] who gave his life for his country. He was born Sept 14th 1881 and was killed in action at Flers the battle of the Somme about 3 p m Friday Oct 13th 1916 aged 35 years.

In ever loving memory of Henry Oliver langley B. A. T.C.D. of Archerstown born 7th July 1862 died 25th March 1927 and of his wife Ethel Maud daughter of John Max of Maxfort born 31st Oct 1876 died 7th Feb 1962.

Erected by Maud Herbert Maher in memory of her mother who died June 24th 1882. (East Window)

In loving memory of Thomas Bolton Pennefather who died 25th February 1890.

John Russell Esq F.R.C.S.I. died 31st Dec 1891 the above window erected to his memory by his widow and friends of all denomenations.

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