Co Tipperary Halloween Festival In Thurles

Thurles Halloween Festival

The 5th annual Thurles Halloween Festival came alive last evening, here in the Cathedral town, with a host of events to keep the whole family occupied over the next very spooky 5 day period.

The festival committee have put a huge effort into this years festival and it kicked off last night and will finish on Wednesday 31st October next.

Over the 5 remaining days of this festival, a host of events will be taking place including Art Exhibitions, Drama, Comedy, Various Workshops, Live Music, Street Entertainment, Fireworks, Fire Shows, Public Talks, Poetry Readings, A Soccer Tournament, Street Parade, A Battle of the Bands Competition, Films and a Street Cycle Race.

Sponsors of these events include North Tipperary Leader Partnership, The Arts Council and also the general public here in Thurles, who gave so generously at numerous fund-raising initiatives, over the past 12 months.

So do come along during this week and enjoy the various events including the Annual Fireworks spectacle, which will finish off this years Festival in its usual unique style.

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